Getting .dll errors left and right

In case anyone else runs into this problem.

The best solution I’ve found that seems to be working (I’ll update later on if not) is to right click the problem files, and change them to ‘read only’ status. Something is attempting to alter the files.

I have no idea what is causing this to happen - whether it’s an emulator related problem, malware, AV software, or perhaps something windows based that runs on a scheduled task. It did seem like time was a factor more so than number of opens/closes.

I’m getting the same errors, just with different DLL files. I’ve never had anything like this happen before, and I was playing everything just fine yesterday. wtf is going on. HDDScan’s S.M.A.R.T reports no issues, my antivirus is set to not block Retroarch (Avira kept trying to do so before so I already had exceptions for a while). A new install worked, but for how long? No other files seem to be effected, after copying my saves/states/cores/configs I was able to continue playing my game without lost progress.

Missing DLL errors are usually caused by incorrect libraries being in your installation directory. Try downloading this archive (assuming Win64) and copy/paste all of the libs into your RetroArch directory, overwriting any conflicts: