Great Difficulty Configuring Controllers Retroarch

Hi Retro Community.

I started with a plain RPi 3 copying my own games under retropie emulators.

I began downloading attract mode and retropie images which are preloaded.

I currently have madlittlepixels 64gb attract mode image.

Went into retroarch trying to configure the keys i have dual astrum retropads, retroarch also picks them up as retropads.

I configured some of the keys following madlittlepixel’s youtube video.

My issue comes in here, i have no clue what i am doing. i configured most of the keys for the Arcade emulator, i was using Double Dragon as i configured the keys seeing how i would like my keys, I eventually started using Winscp and editing retroarch.cfg, made all the configs for player 1 and then i copied it to player 2, rebooted and got glgeterror 0x500,

I reverted the settings starting from scratch, i double checked the key configs for player 1 and i could not move up or down with any game, the up and down moved to the right analog stick, and no matter how much i tried editing the keys i could not get up and down back to the d-pad.

I apologize this is all new to me, i have learned some things, but there are so many keys, Attract mode keys, retropie keys, emulator keys etc… and i have no idea how they all fit together. I saw on one of the Guides on this site about controllers auto configuring themselves, how do you know that a controller is able to self configure?..

Any case i hope there is someone that can give me some wisdom. Just totally lost…

You have about the same problem as me:

I think you need a static map. Thats the solution.

Thx Braxtor

I’ll start chiming in that thread hopefully i can sort out my issue, the thing is i have dual pads, 2 controllers on 1 usb cable.

I have been muzzling through these issues myself. I get a headache when i am too busy trying ro figure this out. If someone can help out.

I am running double dragon on the arcade emulator i havr changed most of the keys the way i like it. For the exception when i press the a button on my joy pad it kicks and walks down. I just need that button to kick not to walk down. I have been aearching through arcade’s retroarch.cfg and also the all retroarch.cfg file. I just can’t figure out why this is so hard to understand.

Can someone just answer me this, if i dont want to use the retroarch.cfg in the all folder and want to independently configure each emulator/core, how do i do that?

If you use a launcher (or launch from the command line yourself), you can use a separate cfg and point to it with the -c /path/to/config.cfg switch.

Otherwise, all cores go through the retropad abstraction. The idea is: you set up your physical pad once, mapping the retropad buttons to your physical pad, and then you use core input remaps to move the core’s buttons around on the retropad. That way you don’t have to set up everything for every core every time.

Thank you for the reply Hunterk. I will give that a try and see if i can get it to work.

The physical pad setup you mentioned, is that the setup in emulation station?

I have tried remapping my controllers in emulation station but most of the keys are already taken when pressed.

i have used retropie toolkit to reset key configurations but still most of the buttons are already taken when trying to configure and effectively making me unable to correct this.

I am wondering if auto configuration could be messing this up.

I tried resetting keys when i get into a mame for instance when i press my a button it goes up, i have been in ES and retroarch config and i cant find where that specific button is mapped to go up.