Guide to Making Themes

Is there any way to change size of thumbnails on screen separately from menu scale factor? I want to change interface to minimum, but i want to keep big thumbnails.

great guide…thank u… …but there is one thing I cannot figure out…HELP…:wink:

Is it possible - after closing a game - not to get the standard wallpaper bg.png and instead the dynamic one???

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Honestly, that’s outside the spectrum of what I do with themes, which is constrained to icon and background design. It’s more of a UI behavior question that is likely better answered by @Kivutar. I’ve never noticed the behavior you’re describing, but one workaround you have would be to replace the bg.png with an all black image.


I would like to convert next Philips CDI gamepad to default monochrome Retroarch style:

Philips CDI gamepad

Is it possible? Which tools? How to it?

@Alex123 It is possible to use the linked artwork as a foundation to draw your own version of the CDi gamepad in the Monochrome style. Because monochrome’s source files are SVG, you need a vector-based application such as Inkscape or Illustrator to do the conversion. Using the Monochrome guidelines, you place the artwork on a 64x64 pixel canvas with a 4x4 pixel grid and set the icon’s color to #f2f2f2. Make sure you snap your point and line elements to the grid wherever possible. Once the artwork is complete, you can submit your contribution to the RetroArch Assets repository for review.

English is not my mother tongue; please excuse any errors on my part. Great guide; I think it should be added a point about if it is or not fair to use the real brands (Atari, Phillips, Sega, etc) in the icons.

I recommend not using logos on icons in your theme. It has nothing to do with whether it’s fair or legal to use the real brands, although I’m sure that’s a concern to other members of the Libretro team.

The largest the icons will display is currently 256x256, but most of the time, the icons are scaled down to a smaller size. That scaling effect makes logos on icons look very bad.

Take a look at the picture below. For my first theme, RetroActive, I wanted to do parody logos for the controllers and media. You wouldn’t know it by looking at the full size icons, but below the controller’s NEO•RETRO logo, it says “Pro-Gear Spec Advanced Emulation System.” All you see is a white blob. But when it’s scaled, the larger logos become almost impossible to read.



Is there a way to get the Icons to be a little bit bigger? I wanted to create 300x300 size icons but they appeared the same size as the 256x256 sized icons.

To my knowledge, the XMB icons are generally automatically scaled according to the screen size.

However, under User Interface | Appearance you can tweak the settings how you like. For example, on a small screen like the Vita, the Menu Layout setting called “handheld” looks much better on that screen than the “auto” or “console” setting. You can also adjust the Menu Scale Factor. This will increase the size of the both the icons and the fonts.

Long term, there are plans to add 512 and 1024 pixel icon sets to RetroArch and Lakka. But these things take time. The idea is for the icons to become more universally used within all the user interfaces, including Ozone, XMB, RGUI, etc.

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did you make this cool image for neo geo? btw can you make system image for Apple II and also Apple IIGS

I did make those icons for Neo Geo above. They are part of the Retroactive icon set.

There are system icons and media icons for Apple II and Apple IIGS in the Systematic icon set. Is this what you’re looking for?

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hi they look amazing i will download them thanks so much :grinning: :joystick: :video_game: can you share download link with the full icon set

The icons for all the themes are all contained at the retroarch-assets Github page. To download the whole repository, feel free to use this link.

The PNG files for all the themes can be found in the xmb directory. For SVGs, you’ll find them in Automatic/src, FlatUX/src, Systematic/src and /src/xmb directories…

hi can you make art for commodore 128

I will add it to my to-do list.

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thats sounds great :slight_smile:

Commodore 128 was added to the Systematic theme.

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ah ok thanks for the info

How can i add the wheel on the right of the wallpaper with the name of the diferent consoles?

I’m not sure I understand. Could you post a screenshot of what you mean?