Having issues with FBA & MAME cores

Hey guys,

I have setup majority of the consoles which now show all roms under each emulator core when you push right on the controller/keyboard (a line off controllers representing each console) but I am having issues with the Neo Geo and MAME cores. The cores for these two are not showing in the menu with the other cores and I have to load games by going into load content and load with a specified core, which is a pain. I have added the FBA cores but they are not even showing in the cores folder with the other cores. What am i doing wrong? the roms all load so they seem to be fine but would like it all games displayed under the core menu.

Many thanks.

Arcade scanning isn’t implemented yet. We’re slowly adding more systems to the scanning to allow for nice collection browsing, but in the short term, you’ll just have to ‘load content’ like you’re doing now.

Many thanks for your quick response.