I have a fairly decent system I think for emulation - it’s a Core 2 Quad with an Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS with 2GB of vram. Everything runs pretty fast and everything is working except this thing with the shaders.
I’m using the GL video driver and dsound audio driver. I’m running the current 205 mame core.
When I activate the crt-easymode shader (glsl) the game slows down to about 20 fps and the audio gets all broken. I’ve tried setting the sound driver to nul thinking maybe sound had something to do with it but the video is still slow. It looks like the shader is applied but everything is just really slow. If I turn the shader off everything goes back to normal.
Don’t even know where to begin to troubleshoot this. Let me know if there are logs I could post although being a performance thing there probably aren’t any errors.