First I load core then load content and select .exe to run. It then says failed to set last used disc then exits to retroarch. It also has no option to delete the core and will not allow me to reinstall. My directory path is retroarch then downloads. Can you please tell me how to populate dosbox start menu with games?
You never load an exe. “Pure” is set up to load zip files directly:
If your games are installed already and you have a .conf file, then load that through the regular dosbox or dosbox-svn cores.
When I hit load content it gives me two options browse archive or load archive. when I hit load archive it shows me two unrelated cores and dosbox pure is not listed. When I browse archive I select the .exe and it says failed to set last disc. How do you load the zip within dosbox pure when it’s running?
Never mind I fixed it by watching a YouTube video. I had to use the manual scan function of retroarch to create a custom directory with the game files in it and then associate the dosbox pure core with it. Then a new entree popped up on the main retroarch screen which I could select the games from there and it would run.