Help convert rom naomi bin.lst to

how to convert game naomi bin + lst to has as well and kof xi had with all the personagesn hidden here but in bin bin lst ai now runs slow so max speed in .zip format ai wanted to know if there is a way to be back .zip because I downloaded the rom rom kof xi all characters.

I’d wait a bit if i were you, as Kof XI has emulation issues and still needs optimisation. It may appear to run full speed, but some special moves and Desperation moves (Tizoc’s 2xhcb + HP for example) mess up the performance badly. Kof Neowave is the only Atomiswave Kof that runs without issues.

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That’s impossible, the naomi bins lack encryption, are missing parts and/or are heavily hacked, you can’t recreate proper mame naomi roms from them.