Help getting cores to load/download in RA on Fire TV

Hi, new guy here. So, I’ve used RetroArch for years on my Rasberry Pi and recently found a tutorial on loading and running it on my First Gen Fire TV box. Install went fine, got roms ready on a USB drive, but when I go to load or download cores on RetroArch I get a “Failed” notice and no cores are showing up. This happens if I try running the Core Files update on the Online Updater or if I try to download them directly from the Load Cores menu. I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing the app several times. I also checked the Online Updater URL directory for the cores and it’s pointing to

The version I’m running is 1.7.5. Anyone else have this issue before or have an idea on how to possibly fix this?


Usually, that’s just a passing error and if you try again in a few minutes/hours, it’ll be fine. However, if it persists, I would recommend installing a nightly build from the buildbot, which includes a new feature for sideloading cores on Android. You can manually download the ones you want from the buildbot using a web browser and then RetroArch will copy them into its cores folder.

Yep, went back on last night and all of sudden they were there. It’s weird because I tried a couple of days in a row at different times of the day with no luck and now it’s working. Thanks for the help.