Help me set up custom box art for rom hacks

ok, so i figured out how the flip to get rom hacks added to my play list so i can bleeding well play them, thnks retro arch playlist generator tool<3 now, how in bleeding farts do i get them to have the nice shiny box arts ive so carefully chosen for them?

they do not share the same rom or file name as the game there hacks of, so that wont work. so…any tools or neat tricks or things im not thinking of???

i just love me some rom hacks is all guys and its be nice to have them look just as purddy as my regular games

I’m not an expert on the boxart/database stuff, but I think the boxart just needs the same name as the ROM.

tryed, didnt work

Hay just figured out how to get it to work, its complex so i will try to break it down in steps, mods you may wish to add this as a handy tip for others who encounter the same bleeding problem.

Step 1 use retroarch playlist generator (a seperate downloadable tool) to scan the folder where all games of x system are located, be sure to set it to prompt on everything, and to uncheck use file name and text as box art. steep 2 check to see if the rom hacks are now listed if yes go to step 3 if no repeat last step steep 3 take an alredy working boxart, open in photoshop, make two new layers, delete the base layer that has the other games box art. make your own box art now in the new empty layers ether with your mad art skills or import and place shit from google image serch once happy with your new creation save as a png named the same name as the game, save to the named boxarts folder. should work

my mistake was not useing a pre approved libritro box art as my file base. so the formating was wonky

This is interesting. I didn’t know RetroArch could display boxart!

I use RetroArch in tandem with HyperSpin, but I’ve been creating romhack boxart for a while so this intrigued me. I’m glad you figured it out though.

yeah, be sure to first use the online updater and to download updates for thumbnails/boxarts this will create the nessary folders as well as give you the needed base files. and be sure to name the new art the exact same name as the file name of the game