Help with overlay editing needed

Here you go:

Happy gaming :slight_smile:


From here:

Can you please explain what a gap do you mean? I’m using this bezel on my GPD XD (5" android handheld) and i can’t see any gap. I’m using “core provided” aspect ratio.

You made me happy, man! I did not expect such quick help

I’m uncomfortable asking you to do the same with few other nosh01 bezels, so maybe you can point me how to do this in photoshop? :blush:

Sure thing. In this case, I believe the easiest thing to do will be to:

  • Open in Photoshop the png I made you (A)
  • Open in Photoshop as well the bezel you want to edit (B)
  • Ctrl+A to select the entire bezel layer (B) and Ctrl+C to copy it
  • Switch to the png (A) and do a Ctrl+V
  • If the bezels are all the same size, you will see that the pasted layer fits perfectly over the MAME one, and only the screen effect is seen

Let me know how it goes, and in case sizes are different or other stuff happens, I’ll help you out with it. No problem at all.

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Maybe it’s that small gap on the border of two frames Thatman84 was talking about?

edit: while preview all of this in photoshop, there were small gaps on each picture, but after saving they gone. why?

And last question: How to properly save the result in photoshop? There are several options, or save it with default?

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This is the part I was refering to (boxed in red)

Click to enlarge image

My settings were Core Provided AR & integer scale off

It seems the Nosh01 Github dont have the screen bezel/frame included

bad link, dude redirect me to to bla-bla-bla

lol that was my creator preview link.

I updated the link above

actually, I tried only two versions of first bezel Kondorito made with FBA core and not all games fit fine, many of them needs manual editing but many fits perfect, and i personally like that little “tube” effect, but at the same time, the maximum possible part of the screen is used, which is critical, because I use it on 5" android handheld :slight_smile:

*red neo-geo vertical SHMUP version looks especially awesome, thanks again to Kondorito :smiling_imp:

The measures in that nosh NES bezel are correct in terms of a 4:3 screen space overlayed by an 16:9 bezel. So a gaming space of 4:3 should fit perfectly. Without taking into account the possibility that the game/system has black borders, or that the core provided scale is not 4:3, the actual game space (colored pixels) in that image you shared is 1411x1080 (should be 1440x1080 to be 4:3).

That’s the result I have:

Overlay opacity 90 crt-pi shader core provided scale

The image is slightly cropped in the corners, but there is no useful information there

neo-geo sceens cropped to much, need editing, but it looks awesome anyway.

Hey man, now seeing your bezels in action I found out I did a very small mistake with the gradient in the CRT layer. Please try overriding this MAME ones and see if you notice the difference; it should not have that little glow in it all around the border.

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Not so well seen on small screen, thanks anyway for more tweaking, mate :wink:

On small screen first version looks better imho, maybe you can do one last version - something beetwen first and second version, thank :slight_smile:

The thing is that the first version had an issue and it was not meant to be like that; the gradient from the border to the center of the screen had white in it, while it should only be transparency. Cannot do something in between. Sorry. You can stick with the first version then :slight_smile:

PS: Ninja Baseball Batman FTW

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it can be tweaked by decreasing overlay opacity to ~70-80, that glossy effect not seen on that values Thanks for you once more, it was super easy with your help. Later i’ll post other corrected vesions.

do you have these original frames with transparent background?

Frames? You mean TV screen borders?

Yeah the little black screen bezel’s in the 1st post cant seem to quote them

Kondorito already give me another “frames” with transparent background and explained how to edit bezels by myself.

But if you need them…

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Thank you thats awesome

and the verticle?