Help with Per Game Config

I am trying to have a customer .cfg file for specific Sega Genesis games, specifically ones that use the EA 4 way Play. I can get these games to work fine, but if I leave the first play input device to the EA 4 Way play controller in the system config, then normal 2 player games don’t work correctly. I would like to have cfg files for something like NBA Live 96, etc. that would setup the input device correctly.

If it helps or matters I am loading / launching these games though Rocket Launcher.

Check my blog post about per game overrides here

[QUOTE=Radius;25859]Check my blog post about per game overrides here[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the reply. I did see that blog post last night and tried that, but perhaps I am doing something wrong. I created a <GAME>.cfg file, where <GAME> is the exact name of the ROM being loaded. I tried placing this cfg file in the rgui_config_directory, I also tried creating a sub folder for the system within the rgui_config_directory. No matter how I set it up it didn’t seem to load the file. Specifically I really just need to override the following setting:

input_libretro_device_p1 = “1281”

Also, I think I enabled logging, but can’t seem to locate where the log files would be created. From what I can tell this could be because I am loading through RL, perhaps I need to just run RetroArch from the command line. I just wanted to see if the logs would tell me which cfg files it was looking for / loading.

Make sure you enable auto-loading of overrides in the config options, and I think overrides are mutually exclusive vs core-specific configs.

I have those enabled. Do I have the naming convention of the per game config file correct?

You need to disable core specific, and the cfg goes goes into corename/gamename.cfg

Thanks for all the help. I was able to get this to work. Is there any way (or thoughts about adding) a capability to have System level overrides? Specifically take the core I am using Genesis Plus GX. I think there are instances that I would like to have different cfg’s for Genesis, Master System, Game Gear, etc.

Not currently. RA doesn’t have a SYSTEM concept, it’s just based on cores.

I could make it collection based in the future