Hgoda90 - OrionsAngel's Overlays w/ Bezel Presets


– Changes to Packs 1-4 and Pack 5 presets have been added to download
– Changed the format of download to folder so that it’s easier to update/download individual overlay

Note: Download button at mega will still download everything as a zip


Thanks @MagicHat. It’s good to know that I helped somebody with my experimentation :man_scientist:

My main helpers were @Duimon, @HyperspaceMadness and @Cyber. I think that everybody learns at least one thing from everyone else.

I second this in use what meets your needs. As I stated before I just want easy access to the different variations without having to change the image path in the params. Others would like the easy access of having one preset to load the image automatically without having to save game to game. So do what you will but the most important is to have fun with it :grinning:.


Pure wisdom @MagicHat and @hgoda90. Thanks for sharing your work with the community!! BTW, which links have you updated @hgoda90? Only the “My Realistic Arcade” or others packs too?

All the links where changed to folder style but My Realistic Arcade Overlay presets where the only ones changed.


Found a wiki for Candy Cabinets. It includes art, flyers and Japanese manuals for certain cabinets.



Renamed the preset files. An update isn’t needed unless wanting the new naming.

Next Up

– Handhelds

Note: These presets will be simply so that there is Mega Bezel presets and have reflection turned off.



– Handhelds pack is now available to download

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Wow! That looks awesome!!! I guess you have a 2560x1440 monitor, right?

Is that deliberate or you can’t afford a 4K monitor yet (like me)? :grin:

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I do have a 1440p monitor as main and a 1080p monitor for my secondary, ACER Nitro EDA270U P and HP 24mh. I thought it would be the sweet spot and I don’t use 4k content enough to justify getting a 4k monitor.

In the future I will most likely go ahead and get 4k stuff once the technology gets cheaper.

Yeah, me too. I’ll wait TVs to get cheaper. I bought a 3440x1440 ultrawide 6 month ago, and I use a 1080p as secondary. For vertical overlays though, 4K resolution seems to be important because of the actual screen real estate. I have moire for “hi-res” games like 480p or higher.

Yeah,I would definitely agree with this.

If you look at a 1920x1080 screen, if you play with one of the arcade vertical overlays with a horizontal game like from ArsInvictus the height of the game image is probably something like 600px


Checking to be exact,


Nice! How do you activate that on-screen info in Mega Bezel?

It is the first parameter in Parameter Settings, Show Resolution Info.


Next Up

– koko-aio presets for My Realistic Arcade.

#reference "shaders_slang/bezel/koko-aio-slang/Presets-ng/Base.slangp"
DO_HALO = "0.000000"
GEOM_WARP_Y = "0.470000"
GEOM_CORNER_SIZE = "0.005000"
GEOM_CORNER_SMOOTH = "350.000000"
BEZEL_INNER_ZOOM = "-0.124000"
BEZEL_FRAME_ZOOM = "-0.251002"
BEZEL_CORNER_DARK = "0.000000"
DO_BG_IMAGE = "1.000000"
BG_IMAGE_OVER = "1.000000"
BG_IMAGE_WRAP_MODE = "1.000000"
DO_VIGNETTE = "0.000000"
DO_SPOT = "0.000000"
DO_GLOBAL_SHZO = "1.000000"
GLOBAL_OFFX = "-0.005000"
GLOBAL_OFFY = "0.016000"
GLOBAL_ZOOM = "0.936000"
ASPECT_X = "12.000000"
ASPECT_Y = "10.000000"
GAME_GEOM_ASPECT = "1.205000"
GAME_GEOM_HSHIFT = "0.010000"
GAME_GEOM_ZOOM = "0.700000"
monitor_body_curved = "koko-aio_bezel.png"
bg_over = "Mega_Bezel_Packs/OrionsAngel-Overlays/My Realistic Arcade/Killer Instinct/cab_red.png"

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@DoesItMatter, I went ahead and added the Killer Instinct koko-aio preset to the My Realistic Arcade download at the top for ya. I will work on the others once I finish the Console variations I was doing before.

Thank you!

I have a question though. Since it’s a “.slangp” file, how do I apply it? I’m used to downloading & adding .cfg & .png files. I’ve never added a .slangp file before. Exactly how do I do it?

To add the slangp files put them into a folder named Mega_Bezel_Packs placed in shaders folder.

But since it’s a koko-aio preset, then it still has to go under Mega Bezel?