Hi Guys. RetroArch 1.4.1 Not Saving Save States Correctly On Shield TV

Hi everyone whats going on?? I’m new here to the RetroArch forums. Fairly New to RetroArch myself but been messing with Homebrew/Emulators, etc, etc for about the last 20 years now. Anyway I find myself stuck with a non-working save state. It happens on any core I try it with. Seems like theres a couple kinks in the road, as with 1.3.6 it would not read from my external hdd. I read that reformatting the drive sometimes works, but all my other emulators and Kodi reads from my drives fine so I didn’t think that was an Issue and kind of just over looked it. With the 1.4.1 update they seemed to have remedy the external drive issue as now RetroArch seems to read from my Drives fine.

The only problem I seem to be having is the Save State issue. When I exit the game and go to the quick menu to choose a Save State slot and after that choose the Save State option I am presented with a progress menu which says 0% saving state on the bottom right of the screen. This stays suck on the screen no matter what I do. The only way this disappears is if I completely exit out of RetroArch. As I mentioned I am running my games from External HDD and everything else seems to work fine. I noticed under settings-directory theres quite a few options regarding that.

I have not touched anything here and it has been left default. I see a Screenshot option which says “save all save states to this directory. if not set will try to save inside the content file’s working directory” Does this need to be changed to something else?? It is on Theres also two other options that seem regarded to the Save State function. There is a Savefile option which pretty much says the same thing " Save all save files to this directory. If not set will try to save inside the content file’s working directory. Below that there is a Savestate option that reads " Save all save states to this directory. If not set will try to save inside the content file’s working directory"

Thats about all I could come up with. I’m new here and dont particularly know if theres a way to do a log (Like you can with XBMX/Kodi0 so if anyone needs that let me know. For some reason I want to say it has to do with those SaveState, SaveFile and Screenshot options above, but not sure. Wondering if they actually have to be set to the directory the roms are in, although I dont want to mess with anything and make it work. I for some reason think the default might be the issue but I’m just guessing here. Any help on this would be much appreciated. I’m using the Nvidia Shield Android TV and I have updated to the latest Shield experience update/upgrade. Once the shield was upgraded thats when RetroArch 1.3.6 quit seeing the external hdd,s but once RetroArch was updated to 1.4.1 that seemed to correct itself. Other then this Save State issue everything else seems to work fine. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to let me know whats up on this.

I believe that’s a problem caused by Android’s handling of app permissions (or lack thereof) to write to external storage devices.

On my Shield, I go to settings > directory and change all of the save-related paths from default (which is the directory where your content was loaded from) to somewhere in RetroArch’s directory on the internal storage.

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hunterk my friend thanks very much. You hit it right on the mark. I went ahead and changed all the save related directory to /data/user/0/com.retroarch and that seemed to work. I even exited out of retroarch tried it again and it loaded fine. Thanks a bunch.

I tried this on my Android console but N64 states still don’t work. Other systems do. Any ideas?

Do you have any n64 config overrides active?

Guys,I have exactly the same problem with save states but in my Ps Vita…I downloaded a .vpk to fix permissions but nothing happened…Can somebody help me out…?