HI! PS2 and/or Dreamcast in the works?

Hello all, i would like to congratulate the fine people behind this project. I have been gaming with retroarch for a couple days now, after figuring out how to get the PSX core to work, and i’m in love.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU guys for this!!! It has made my life SO GOOD.

I was hoping to ask a question about PS2 and Dreamcast cores potentially being added in the future, but I get the feeling that enough stupid questions are thrown at this community and that i might be acting like a pest.

So i’ll leave it at congratulations and thank you!


Nope. PCSX2 is in a quite broken state at the moment and it’s full of win32 specific code. I don’t think that one is coming any time soon Reicast may get a libretro port by the reicast team sometime this year (hopefully). I recently asked them and they said they just don’t have the time right now but it’s still planned

Thank you for the response! What about GC/Wii? I’m just getting greedy at this point lol but it’s soooooo awesome and I would be in heaven if it got awesome-er

There is interest in porting dolphin, but just that

That’s great to hear. Is there a unified Dev team? Do they take donations? Or is it like a community based thing? Either way, thanks.

No donations, at least not monetary

A Dreamcast core would be priceless…

I would love to see the team consider this version of dolphin: https://github.com/Tinob/Ishiiruka

Although I’m sure the dev team are well aware of this mod.

Even if/when Twinaphex starts working more on a dolphin port, it won’t be Ishiiruka because that one focuses on DirectX 9/11 and we would need to use the OpenGL rendering pathway. However, some of the changes, like asynchronous shader compilation would likely be ported in.

Ahh that makes sense.

I really love all the work you guys do. Truly amazing what you have given us so far. :slight_smile: