High resolution on PSX cores


Is there already any way to render PSX games in higher resolutions like this: [ul] [li]GSDX (Example video)[/:m:2tzh8src][/li][li]Pete’s PSX GPU plugins (Example video)[/:m:2tzh8src][/ul][/li]or do you think it was a good idea for future development?

Kind regards


Mednafen/Beetle-psx is software-rendered, so it runs at native resolution exclusively, and I don’t think it’s really setup to allow a hardware rendering pipeline to get shoehorned in, unfortunately. So, it would require a libretro-gl port of something like pcsx-r. That wouldn’t really achieve anything except hardware rendering, so it’s probably not going to be high priority for Squarepusher or anyone else on the core team, but nothing’s stopping an outsider from porting it.

In my opinion PSX graphics are better hidden under a layer of CRT emulation with a dedither filter in native resolution, a bit like N64.

Yeah, that’s my take, too. I hate the low-res backgrounds with super-sharp high-res foreground characters.

Can any one recommend a good shader to use with psx games?

Depends on what you want, you’ll definitely need some kind of deinterlacing for some 3D games (Tekken 3, Dead or Alive).

Personally, I use bob-and-ghost-deinterlace for those games.

Ok, I’ll check that out, thanks!

I would also say an antialiaser, but the one included advanced-aa.cg, is IMO a bit too destructive, specially textures.

But there are software plugins that allow for 2x native resolution, right?

Yed but mednafen is not plugin based