Horizontal playlists in xmb

Have been working on adding horizontal playlists to XMB. I have some hacked up code to remove the vertical lists from the home screen and for playlists to display horizontally like the home screen. Planning to also move the thumbnails to the top of the screen, above the horizontal playlist I want to know if people are interested in this change and if they have any feedback on what they would like to see? Thanks.


Great to see new features! But I didn’t understand what you mean to do. Are you talking about something similar to the following picture?

Yes, exactly. I already committed code to allow logos to be used as playlist icons in the same way as thumbnails are. Now I want to extend that as a horizontal display for playlists. This way you log into retro and see just the horizontal home screen icons and no vertical menus. Then when you select a playlist you will get another horizontal playlist that shows the logo.

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I can assure you this would be very well-received. It’s a very common request.


I think it will be a great addition, but I don’t know which feedback to give this early. When you feel ready to release some screenshots of what you’ve already done, it might be easier to suggest something.

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