How can I disable or reset save core/game override

Hi so I need sine help, I use retroarch on my retropie/ raspberry pi 3 and I need some help on save core and game override. U had acciedtly did it on Nestopia and after some trial I just decided to switch emulators. So then today I was playing Real Bout Fatal Fury Special and accidentally pressed save game override. I tried to delete the game and reinstalled it, but I had scraped the image and now the configuration is saved to it.

How can I disable or reset core/game override?

go into your ‘config’ directory and there will be a directory named after the core and inside of that you will find a cfg file that’s also named after the core. Just delete the cfg (or the whole core-named directory, if you like)

Sorry but where is that located on the retropie? Or do I have to go into Raspian to delete it? I’m a bit new when it comes to linux and don’t want to mess anything up worse. I tried doing it via SSH before but I had no luck.

I don’t actually know where RetroPie puts things, but you should be able to find it by going to settings > directory and looking for where the ‘config’ directory is assigned.