How do I get things started?

this is my settings dir please let me know if anything is out of place

That all looks fine.

Don’t use PCSX-ReARMed on x86. It’s buggy on non-ARM platforms. Mednafen/Beetle-PSX is the one to use instead.

I still can’t get my controller to bind properly any ideas for that?

retroarch crashes when attempting to open a psx or gbc tittle

scratch that, just psx titles. crash bandicoot 3 warped and castlevania symphony of the night

I’m also not on x86, my install of ubuntu is x64

using bind all or manually changing the bindings turns the controller into a paperweight until they’re restored to the defaults

x64 == x86_64. It’s an extension of the x86 instruction set.

PSX issues are almost always either BIOS problems or malformed cue sheets. Load the core but before you run any games, go to information > core information and see if it’s detecting your BIOS files. If not, go hit up the internets and find ones based on the checksums it lists. If it is seeing them, check your cue sheets as most of them are written for case-insensitive filesystems (i.e., Windows’ NTFS).

For your controller, manual binds override the autoconfigs, so if you did a bunch of weird stuff with manual binding before you got the autoconfig package installed, you’ll need to restore your inputs to default, which you can do through the input settings menu.

I don’t have anything set up yet because everything I do breaks the controller. I’m using the defaults for retropad and retropadw/analog which are no where near correct for my controller. x is x which is the left button, back is Y one of the triggers is search the analog stick isn’t bound. nothing I do seems to work

I thought I just needed to put the bios in the folder all my games are in I guess I’ll go make a new folder for bios files then

BIOS files go in the ‘system’ directory, whatever you have it set to.

right, I changed it from content dir to a folder I labeled bios in home/ both psx cores say there’s no Bios in there so I guess I need to rename it

The PPA description says:

To have a full RetroArch environment, install these packages too: Overlays, like borders: libretro-common-overlays Shaders (CRT, xBR, HQx): libretro-common-shaders Assets for RetroArch, like XMB icons: retroarch-assets Autoconfig files for joypads: retroarch-joypad-autoconfig

Do this for a complete install:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:libretro/stable ; 
sudo apt update ; 
sudo apt install retroarch retroarch-joypad-autoconfig retroarch-assets libretro-* ; 

[QUOTE=paalfe;26989]The PPA description says:

Do this for a complete install:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:libretro/stable ; 
sudo apt update ; 
sudo apt install retroarch retroarch-joypad-autoconfig retroarch-assets libretro-* ; 


according to my terminal there were no packages that needed to be updated and 9 that were already up to date so that isn’t the issue. still don’t have any preconfigs for controllers, psx cores aren’t recognising bios files or RA doesn’t like my bios folders location and idk where to put them other than a folder I make because content dir isn’t practical

You probably have the wrong BIOS files. Try manually checksumming them with md5sum and see if they match the ones listed in the core info. If so, you probably just need to rename them (case-sensitive!). If not, just google ‘psx bios pack’.

right but where do they go? do they go in a specific folder? I googled around and found another thread that suggested making a custom directory for the bios files causes issues with RA

you were right. all the Md5sums are wrong. guess I go hunting

ok I managed to find one with the right md5 and I put it in my /bios folder and changed the bios directory to /bios and under core info mednafen still says there’s no bios

is it named EXACTLY the same as what’s listed in the core info? Mednafen-psx is extremely picky and it needs to be the same with capitalization and everything.

Also, by /bios, do you mean literally /bios or ~/bios? If it’s actually /bios, you’ll probably want to move it somewhere user-writeable, as some cores freak if they can’t write to your ‘system’ directory.

I don’t know what system directory is or where it is. the full path is home/syi666/roms/bios. I named it scph5500.BIN exactly as it is in the wiki and in the core information and it does not want to see it there

it needs to be scph5500.bin, not *.BIN. Linux is case-sensitive, so those aren’t the same.

In the settings > directory settings, it’s called ‘system/BIOS directory’. Whatever you have that set to is where it goes.

ok, could you please give me a concrete response as to where the default directory for bios should be because I’ve changed it to a cutom directory in home/me/roms/bios and it’s not showing up in there. where is system directory or content directory and how do I get to it to put the bios in there