How do I get things started?

I’ve been playing on my tablet and decided I’d play some more controller dependent games on my pc and I can’t seem to navigate the menu with the keyboard and my xbox 360 controller isn’t auto detected. is there a section on how to set it up on pc or should I just continue mashing the keyboard until something happens?

Keyboard navigation should work with arrow keys + ‘z’ and ‘x’ for cancel and accept, respectively.

Which distro are you using? If Debian/Ubuntu, we have official PPAs that have all of the autoconfig files, etc. all wrapped up and ready to install.

I’m on ubuntu 14.04 currently running kernel -58 since -59 broke steam compatability. keyboard is unresponsive. no indication of movement in the retro GUI nothing to indicate confirmation of selection. nothing seems to be working other than opening the program itself. I’ve installed from the PPA and it updates normally with regular releases

Try without the joystick first.

Sometimes keyboard is unresponsive due to the joystick, for example, with my PS3 dual shock: the keyboard is unresponsive until I press the ‘PS’ button in the joystick.

Also, it seems you need to install the package from this link, to get the xbox joystick working well.

Try without the joystick first.

Sometimes keyboard is unresponsive due to the joystick, for example, with my PS3 dual shock: the keyboard is unresponsive until I press the ‘PS’ button in the joystick.

Also, it seems you need to install the package from this link, to get the xbox joystick working well.

unplugging the controller forces the emu back to keyboard controls. for some reason bindings aren’t working. I have an afterglow wired xbox 360 controller and after binding the buttons the controller is unresponsive and doesn’t navigate the menu. unplugging it again returns control to the keyboard

so I should be downloading the package then running sudo dpkg -i steamos-xpad-dkms_0.3-0md0.14.04.2_all.deb In terminal right? because it returns an error ​dpkg: error processing archive steamos-xpad-dkms_0.3-0md0.14.04.2_all.deb (–install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing: steamos-xpad-dkms_0.3-0md0.14.04.2_all.deb

Do you have the kernel headers installed? Just double click in the deb package to install it.

You don’t need to bind the buttons in the controller, probably there’s config files already for it. Have you installed the retroarch-joypad-autoconfig package?

I had no idea I needed to install it since it wasn’t listed as a necessity anywhere. I did update everything that you can via the menus in retroarch. the only configs I have are retropad and retrokeyboard

You need to read carefully this and the PPA description

The online updater will not work if you don’t change path dirs to your home.

that is the PPA I installed when I first started. doesn’t say anything aboutneeding to download a joypad auto config package or even how to do it.

how should I set up the folders for all the…

you know what? nevermind I don’t feel like organizing files today.

[QUOTE=syi666;26880]that is the PPA I installed when I first started. doesn’t say anything aboutneeding to download a joypad auto config package or even how to do it.

how should I set up the folders for all the…

you know what? nevermind I don’t feel like organizing files today.[/QUOTE]

“To have a full RetroArch environment, install these packages too: […] Autoconfig files for joypads: retroarch-joypad-autoconfig”

This is in the PPA description :slight_smile:

And if you read the link I posted, there are the instructions to change the paths… Hint: take a look at the Notice line

I still don’t see instructions on how to install the joypad stuff. just how to install the ppa. it just says I need it then doesn’t list a terminal command or how to get them since obviously the online updater doesn’t have them

I think the online updater does have them (“update autoconfig profiles”). You can run RetroArch as root and use the updater with the default paths (not really recommended), or you can change your settings > directory settings to something user-writeable and then use the updater with the new paths, or you can use apt to install the retroarch-joypad-autoconfig package.

If you just do: sudo apt-get install retroarch* libretro* you’ll get everything.

well I’ did that last night and still have no controllers preconfigs.

ok, I uninstalled and reinstalled so nothing is cluttering up my root or home directories. for some reason I can’t find some of the cores I’ve downloaded after, like pcsx. finally able to bind all the keys on my afterglow controller.

When you uninstall and reinstall to get things clean, you need to remove the ~/.config/retroarch/ too, otherwise you will stuck in the previous config.

ok, now when I try to bind the controller plugging it in counts as key presses for b and y, also why is it starting on b and y? I still can’t switch to anything other than retropad or retrokeyboard

just tried downloading the pcsx core again and it still isn’t showing up in my core list but for some reason I have a bunch that i didn’t download. is there somewhere I should have selected for my directories other than /home/user?

by the way fellas, I love the new splash screen