How do I manually adjust controller options?

First off, I love this emulator. It works fantastic. I mainly play NES games, and have a RetroUSB NES controller. However, I’ve started playing a GMA game. Clearly a NES controller doesn’t have 100% of the needed button. I was attempting to figure out how to change the button configurations. I would like to change the options so the stat button actually does the work of the “R” button. I’ve spent at least 10 minutes attempting to figure this out on my own, and I’m coming up empty.

Go into the input options and uncheck the autoconfigure option. It should then unlock the manual binding options down below where you can map the buttons however you like.

Thanks for the quick response. It looks like I figured it out now. I unchecked the “enable” option under setting before loading a core or game. I was then going into the game and under input options I was unable to change them. I didn’t see about setting them before loading the game. Thanks!!!

But why not implemented in future versions, the settings of the buttons for individual games. Now the system to map the buttons and an intricate

It’s not intrincate, it’s rather simple, autoconfigure or configure manually, and on manually you can configure all retro-pad or configure the binds independently.

The android driver hasn’t been updated yet, when it gets updated, maybe for, configuring from RGUI should be rather simple as it is on other platforms.