How do I use Steam Controller with retroarch?

Hello all!!

So I am using Ice to launch retroarch games from steam. That is all working fine, but setting up controls is confusing me.

So I looked at the retroarch github and found a steam controller autoconfig file. How do I use that file to map my steam controllers?

Also, I have to configure the controls via both steam and inside retroarch.

I am just lost at how to map my 2 steam controllers with retroarch. If anybody has done this and can post screens hots or if anybody has instructions I’d sure appreciate it!!

Thanks! Bubleeshaark

I don’t have a Steam controller, but apparently it can act as either a keyboard or an xinput gamepad. If you make it act like a keyboard, you’re gonna have a bad time. If you have it set to xinput, that autoconfig should start working, as long as you have fetched the autoconfig profiles from the online updater. If it doesn’t start working immediately, go to settings > input > player 1 binds and use ‘bind all’ to map all of your buttons. You can then save an autoconfig for yourself that will work for you in the future.

If you connect two identical pads, sometimes RetroArch gets confused and auto-assigns them to the same player (so both pads control the menu and P1, for example). In this case, you just need to go into settings > input > p2 binds and change the device index to use the other pad.

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I’d say go with Xpadder.

It will solve all your controller input needs. Just map each button to a keyboard input, then map those keys in RetroArch like a normal emulator. I assume the pads act just like thumbsticks, so you can map those natively to retroarch like you would with a 360 controller. (That is, IF you need analogue control)

Simple as that. That’s how I setup every kind of controller. Works flawlessly.

Ah okay. I was using the controller as keyboard strokes. I’ll change it to gamepad (I’m assuming that’s somewhere in the steam control settings) tonight :slight_smile:

Worked like a charm!!

How do you change the controller to a gamepad from keyboard? Is this a steam or retroarch setting? Super confused been trying to find it - any help much appreciated!