How do you compile retroarch for personal preference

hi like to learn how to compile retroarch and know all the tools to compile it can it be complied on windows?

Try following this guide (look at my message on the bottom of the page).

People helped me here if you do the same mistakes (from message #34).

what about program to use to compile?

it’s all explained in the guide he posted

oh ok so if i get 64bit can i compile both 32bit and 64bit?

im confused do i use the Prepackaged MinGW-w64 + Git RetroArch development environment ?

No, just follow the guide it’s very well explained, install msys2, install the toolchains with Pacman and build.

i see toolchains and pacman now at the builds part i get this

Mmm… you’re launching an incomplete command in MingW32 that should be launched in MSYS2_shell.

Read the guide again, and I guess you go the 32 bits way from start to finish if you want to build for win32. (I suppose)

The command for 32 bits is:

pacman -S --noconfirm --needed git make mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-i686-pkgconf mingw-w64-i686-nvidia-cg-toolkit mingw-w64-i686-SDL2 mingw-w64-i686-libxml2 mingw-w64-i686-freetype mingw-w64-i686-python3 mingw-w64-i686-ffmpeg

Then if you have an error message that says:

error: target not found: mingw-w64-x86_64-pkgconf

You’ll launch the previous command again with the mingw-w64-i686-pkgconf part removed.

For now, you get the missing component manually from: That should be mingw-w64-i686-pkgconf-0.9.7-2-any.pkg.tar.xz.

You install it with:

pacman -U mingw-w64-i686-pkgconf-0.9.7-2-any.pkg.tar.xz

And so on… (this is for components that aren’t updated yet for GCC 5)

what about 64bit compiling tatsuya?

You follow the guide for the 64bits part, and if some packages are missing you take them manually from (what I’ve written in the comment section on the bottom of the guide)

I’m not sure about compiling a 32bits exe with the 64bits MinGW… I did everything for 64bits only here.

you don’t need to get anything manually I reinstalled the toolchain a week ago

Nice, they have updated those packages then.

edit: I tried to update and it still doesn’t work for mingw-w64-x86_64-pkgconf and mingw-w64-x86_64-nvidia-cg-toolkit. I don’t see them in GCC5 repo.

It seems you still need to get them from the older 4.9 repo. …or there is a way I ignore.