How i can customize core control ease way?

Hi there, i want to know i can set a custom key or gamepad/joystick axe or button in this screen

I just want to assing a custom keys in this particular core without affect the global controls, and i never had understand why when i press enter to customize on there, nothing happend to assing a diferent key / axe or button.

Thanks for readme

The ‘controls’ menu can’t listen for inputs. You have to cycle through them with left/right.

On the screenshot well if i press Left/right try to change the emulated button change, cycle between : A,B, Select, Start, Turbo A, Turbo B.

But i don’t want to change that, i want to change for example press Z on the keyboard for another custom key. but that is not possible because retroarch don’t allow change it directly from the gui when i press enter to ask me which key i want to assing to that button / trigger or axis.

Ah, I see, you’re on a keyboard.

Well, the overrides don’t catch input stuff. However, you can manually add things to the overrides and they will still take effect as long as you don’t save a new override (that is, the manually added lines will get wiped out if you save a new one).

So, you can set your keys in settings > input > port 1 binds and then copy those lines into a core override. You can set the override cfg to read-only to ensure it doesn’t get overwritten accidentally.