how launch neogeo games in AES mode?


i use retroarch for android, and i have downoaded the core “arcade (FB Alpha 2012 neo geo)” to play neogeo games.

when i launch games, they are played as MVS and i wanted to play them in AES mode. So i changed the asia-s3.rom of by a uni-bios (renamed rearchived etc…) because i know that i can access the settings by pressing buttons a+b+c at launch of the games, and then change AES, but there is no effect, and the games continue to be launched as MVS machine.

can you tell me how i can play the games as AES games please?


I had a hard time figuring it out. These are my settings :

“Force Neogeo mode (if available) : AES”

“Bios : (Default) MVS Asia/Europe ver 6 (1 slot)”

That’s explicit though, i don’t see how it could be more explicit…

The second parameter (which is a dipswitch) is ignored if you don’t set the first parameter to “DIPSWITCH”.

If I just set “AES”, FBAlpha is launched in MVS mode.

Assuming you have a proper and you are using FBAlpha, no.

I won’t vouch for the old FBAlpha2012 core though, this core has been deprecated for years and is only there for really really old devices.

@BarbuDreadMon i obviously already have changed this line in AES before opening this topic

i 've just tryed 2 different files downloaded from 2 different websites, and the games continue to be launched in MVS mode (insert coin message).

hehe good news !!! i have tested wy the parameter “restart” but it worked after quit retroarch and restart it!!

i thought nothing worked because i have already tested the parameters without leaving retroarch.

now it works thank you

is there an other core that loads neogeo games?

I recommend reading proper documentation on arcade romsets instead of doing crap.

Read my previous answer, thanks.

As i already said, assuming you have a proper and you are using FBAlpha, it works properly.

excuse me if i don’t understand well your answers but i do some efforts to write and read in english because it is not my native language. i have read your previous answer and you said “I won’t vouch for the old FBAlpha2012 core though, this core has been deprecated for years and is only there for really really old devices.”.

you say fba2012 is old but i don’t find any mention about an other core for neogeo. (i repeat,english is not my native language so if the answer is here could you explain it more easily for me?) thanks

The fba2012 shouldn’t be used, instead use the one without a date

Neither mine, i’m french, we are renowned internationally for being suckers at speaking other language.

So, a full list of cores running neogeo games :

  • fbalpha2012 (and its split versions fbalpha2012_neogeo/cps1/cps2/cps3) : development for this core stopped a few years back, it was decided to let it in this state and use it as a testing ground for devices with really low frequency and/or tight memory (devices like the Wii with its 729Mhz cpu and less than 100MB ram)
  • fbalpha : recommended version of the emulator, it should be fine with a device above 1Ghz and 512MB ram, it’s following daily/weekly improvements/fixes from the standalone version ( so it is more accurate, the libretro part of the code is also actively maintained by myself.
  • mame2000/mame2003/mame2003-plus/mame2010/mame2015/mame2016/mame : they are using the same naming convention and general principles of “speed vs accuracy” than fbalpha above, i’m not sure which versions are available on android, if it’s available i might recommend mame2003-plus which is actively maintained for its libretro part and is also a good compromise between speed and accuracy.

Those emulators might use different version of the roms, if you are using the wrong version for the wrong emulator the game might not start, or start with issues. So again, i recommend reading some documentation on arcade romsets or you’ll just do crap as you did already (picking random emulator, random and messing with the files inside) and will complain about issues while it’s all your fault, which is something that kinda piss me off, honestly this topic wouldn’t even exist if you started by doing some search by yourself.

Currently I can boot to Unibios features pressing ABC buttons on boot up. There, AES mode can be switched easilly.

To perform that, I use FB Alpha v0.2.97.44 core. In options goto to “Force Neo Geo mode (if available” and select “UNIBIOS”. Then close core for settings saving. After that you should load any Neo Geo rom and see the Unibios boot.

i just ask to know if someone can help me. where did you see that i complained? you adviced me to read your messages, but follow your own advice, have you read mine before accusing me to not read yours…?

just calm down, in fact my settings were good from the beginning, even before i opened this topic, but it didn’t take effect just by relaunching the games, the emulator (retroarch) just needed to be closed to see the changes. not sure you read the post where i explained this.

thanks to tromzy that confirmed that what i did was the correct thing to do (AES mode), it permits to me to try the quit/relaunch app procedure.

so the problem were not at all nor random emulator (lol), nor the files inside as you mentionned. so you get nervous alone without being helpful at all. if you feel you are too stressed to answer calmly then just don’t answer and let someone else do it. i dont need this kind of reaction, above all when you’re not helpful.

thanks for all people who tryed to help me in this topic :slight_smile:

That’s what you did though, it shows you have no knowledge on how arcade emulators work, so i gave you the most helpful advice i can give to someone with no knowledge on arcade emulators. You might think i’m over-reacting but you are not the guy who answer literaly several times a week to people who say “blahblahblah is not working in fbalpha”, with the same answer almost every time.

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