How the heck do I enable Double Strike?

I have scored the web, played with retroarch settings. I cannot see anywhere how to enable Double strike 240p mode on my Wii for use with my CRT. Any direction would be much appreciated!

Is is that you are trying to enter a setting and it’s not working, or you can’t find the setting? If you are using a composite video signal with Wii, either through yellow plug RCA or SCART, I don’t think that can do progressive scan 240p from the Wii, I think it’s all interlaced. I’ve tried it and for me there is no difference between for example 240i and 240p modes when attempted with Retroarch over composite. But my CRT TV supports 240p over RGB SCART and when I switch from say 320x240i to 320x240p over that, the difference is very noticeable. If you are using a true RGB SCART cable, you chances for 240p scanline goodness are better. It depends on your CRT TV too. Some SCART cables for Wii claim they are RGB, but they are not, and are simply cheating by sending crappy composite signal over SCART. If your CRT TV has an info button that can show when a signal is true RGB, that’s helps aswell.