How to compile the cores from GitHub?

I can’t find any information on compiling cores on Windows 10.

I got pointed towards Visual Studio Community and Cygwin, and I can’t get them to do anything.

Is there a tutorial or can someone give me a brief rundown?

This is driving me insane.

Compiling stuff is a real PIA in Windows, IMO. This tutorial walks you through setting up a working msys2 environment, which is what we use for our buildbot: I’m not sure how up-to-date that tutorial is, though, just fair warning.

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Thanks, I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. Google was being completely useless lol.

isnt this suppose to be the new official documentation page?

anyways both procedure at least for windows still works

Yes it is, but I wasn’t able to find that Windows compilation guide there for whatever reason. /shrug

While this subject pops back up can I just ask what’s the easiest platform to compile on?

I tried and failed with compiling Android from windows and with the lack of a ported guide in docs I was thinking of running a Linux VM to do it down the road.

What Linux version should I go for for easiest route to compile cores?

no idea for android cross-compile, nor i have attempted to try. ubuntu should be a good linux environment and i do compiles there too.

I wasn’t able to get that program to install on my system. Just hangs at 0%.

I just want to screw around with that alpha dolphin core lol

If you are on Windows 10 x64 you can try Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.