How to create a new aspect ratio?

So, we have a few preset aspect ratios in the menu, like 16/9, 16/10, 4/3 and a few others, but id’ like to have also something like 16/12, which would work great for Street Fighter 2 games, as they are not really 4/3 games (they’re closer to Neo Geo native AR). I know there is the “custom aspect” option, but i use it for vertical shmups and apparently i can not set more than one custom.

Is there a way to edit the .cfg to add a new AR?


you’re correct that you can only have one custom AR in the cfg and no, you can’t create new hardcoded ARs via cfg.

Your best bet is to use a game-specific override to use a different custom AR for those games.

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So, if i manually modify the 4/3 aspect ratio in retroarch.cfg file (change it from 1.333 to something like 1.45 to be closer to a neo geo AR), then the “config” option in the menu should display my new AR, correct? I’ll backup my cfg and give it a shot!

edit: It worked, but i also had to modify the preferences.xml file, otherwise the .cfg would be overwritten. I put a value of 1.38 and it looks great, even with scanlines :smiley: