How to emulate Saturn on Android?

Hello !

I’ve been using retroarch on android, and it works like a charm.

I’ve been willing to play sega saturn games but I’m faceing a problem.

Whan I load a game, I get a screen with lots of vertical yellow lines. I tried dowloading the saturn bios, tried renaming it, but nothing works…

also, I edit default folders myself, but they return to default everytime I launch the app. is there any way to avoid this ?

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

I don’t think either of our Saturn cores are appropriate for Android insofar as they’re both very heavy, performance-wise. I don’t know if any devices can run either of them at playable speeds.

Sad :frowning:

Thanks for answering though

non retroarch, but this is probably your only option:

Thank you @dankcushions. That is the option I chose indeed :wink:

You think it would be possible to port ouYabause as a core? That’s pretty much the only Saturn emulator that works for Android.

It’s possible but someone has to do it. I don’t know that any of the main contributors are up for it, since we have a backlog of other stuff we need to do already.

Nice to know that it’s possible. I guess the best way to make it happen sooner is to start a bounty for it maybe?

Would be pretty great to get uoYabause as a core. It recently changed it’s Google play app name to Yaba Sanshiro. Currently released 1.0.2 which includes many fixes for sound emulation.