How to fix Mame 2003 plus Moonwalker sound bugs?

RA version 1.20.0, mame 2003 plus core latest update, windows 10 OS.

The following bugs appear since i update RA to 1.20.0, before the update everything was working correctly:

  1. The special magic dancing tune plays in low volume compared to the game cd sample soundtrack and game sound effects.
  2. When the special magic dancing tune plays, the game cd sample keeps playing where it should stop and continue playing only when the magic dancing tune ends.

These are really annoying bugs :frowning: I canā€™t think of any other change i did other than updating RA.

How to fix?

Are you married to the MAME2003? If not, have you tried it in MAME Current? Itā€™s usually the most up to date on everything.

Iā€™m using mame current for the rest of old arcade games. The reason i use mame 2003 plus is because it allows cd sample soundtrack for Moonwalker and Final Fight.The result is simply amazing, a true joy playing these games with the cd soundtrack in full volume. I donā€™t know other core or emulator that has this cd sample audio feature that mame 2003 plus offers. I even made a post thanking mame 2003 plus core creators some years ago.

Hopefully someone reads this and know a fix.


Okā€¦ I canā€™t help you, but that sounds like a nice feature that MAME Current will hopefully have some day. Good luck on your search.

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Totally. Many arcade games have full game cd soundtrack versions played by real bands and i would be glad if the current mame adopt this feature. though, i am afraid that mame current creators philosophy is being ā€œaccurateā€ and cd sample in their mind would make the games soundtrack not accurate.

Dreaming is nice but by policy the MAME team will never implement something that doesnā€™t exist on real hardware, or anything they canā€™t confirm with their own eyes on real hardware for that matter, even if it fixes games. MAME2003-plus and FBNeo are the only libretro arcade cores that will ever be friendly about features enhancing games.

@vgfan Are you possibly using runahead ? Audio issues are a recurring problem when using runahead on cores that have poor runahead support (like MAME and all its forks). If not, it might be a good idea to report the regression on the mame2003-plus github repo, i donā€™t expect its devs to look at this forum.


No, runahead is turned off. Thanks for the suggestion, i didnā€™t know there was a way to report issues for that core, i reported this issue there, hopefully they can address it.

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& Mortal Kombat!! :grimacing:

The first bug is very obvious, the second one has always been like that, since I know the core, the volume goes down but it keeps playing.
Not all the tracks are CD sampler (WAV), the stage tracks yes, the magic track no.

A tip, you can load the core, and in the info menu, core info, you can go back to the previous version (After having reported the bug).


MK soundtrack is great as well but for me MW and FF are on top - mind blowing. Mame 2003 plus CD soundtrack (as well as RA in fact) is arguably the best thing in emulation since mame came out imo. It is that good. Well, iā€™m a big music lover + retro gamer. I wish more and more games get CD soundtrack addition because a lot of games actually have real band album versions of entire soundtrack of many many games. :pray: :pray: :pray: VG music is a big scene - now, use it in the games!!! No brainer!!! New dimension of ROCKING old arcade!!!

  1. is a bug. The bug is that the game soundtrack does go down to low volume when the correct behavior is mute, not low volume.
  2. is not a bug, like you wrote, i come to conclusion that the game soundtrack indeed keeps playing (but on mute level). I would like to keep using the latest version of all my RA cores. Going back to order core version is last resort. I clarified the bug in the issue i posted in mame 2003 plus github, maybe it is better if the bug discussion is continued there i think because the developers can read the thread there:
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If you like replacing chiptune music by their ost counterpart, it might be worth mentioning that FBNeo has 2 games like that : donpachi and sfz3mix (a hack of sfz3 running on an enhanced cps2 fantasy arcade board)

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