How to fix the analog bug in Spyro 2 and 3 that prevents sharp turns

In Spyro 2 and 3 there is a well known bug in the speedrunning community that prevents Spyro from executing sharp turns while charging when using the analog stick. When using the D-pad, holding diagonally down-left or down-right will cause Spyro to do sharp turns while charging. This is not possible with the analog stick when it is set to analog mode. It is caused by the diagonal input values on the analog stick not being strong enough to trigger the sharp turns.

To fix in Swanstation core: Quick Menu > Core Options > Port Settings > Controller 1 Analog Axis Scale Default value is 1.00, setting it to 1.25 (or maybe even a bit less) will allow Spyro to do sharp turns while charging and using the analog stick.

This can also fix analog input in other games that have similar bugs. Monster’s Inc. (PS1) has a bug where you can only walk on the diagonals when using the analog stick in analog mode. Upping the axis scale fixes that as well.