How to load cfg for Dualshock 4 v2? Because isn't working properly.

Hi all,

I’m using Lakka 2.2.2 in my RPi 3 B+

If I connect my Dualshock 4 V2 with bluetooth the input goes crazy, for example, if I press D-Pad UP, the menu goes UP like if I have pressed the button 4 times.

I read something about .cfg files, but I have no idea really how to load those CFG. I got the RPi coonected with PuTTy and SMB (SAMBA) activated.

I put two .cfg in this path:


and inside 2 .cfg, that I got from a metchebe post, something like “lakka-personal-config” * Sony-PlayStation4-DualShock4v2-Controller.cfg and Wireless-Controller.cfg, then after the files finished to pass, I reboot the lakka, connect again the PS4 controller, and the same thing was happening.

It’s probably that i’m not correctly loading the .cfg file, or Idk.

Help please!

The path is OK. However you mention ‘Sony-PlayStation4-DualShock4v2-Controller.cfg’ which is not one of my configs.

Does it work over USB?

Sorry, that .cfg is from " Dualshock 4 crazy-fast, repeating controls " BlackHell reply, that he use that .cfg .

Now, I got it working, but I made a few changes.

I went to Setting -> Advance (or some setting that let u change the path of setting) and there was a config option that said, “input default config, where the autoconfig read the .cfg” and it was in something like /tmp/joypad/ . I changed it for /storage/joypad/ (where my CFG were), and work!

Now the PS4 Controller work with Bluetooth or with cable, but I haved to change the autoconfig path, and I didn’t read anything about that in other post.

So, if I haven’t changed the path of autoconfig, how would I fix this? Is there any button, or some config option to load the cfg in storage/joypad/ ?

So, what happens is that Retroarch chooses which cfg file to use based on a ranking algorithm which considers input_vendor_id, input_product_id, input_device, the .cfg file name itself and maybe something else too.

What you did is an interesting workaround, since you forced Retroarch to only see the cfg files you placed. The default directory /tmp/joypad is an overlayfs directory which merges the built in cfgs and your personal cfgs. So, likely another cfg ranked higher than yours, but nonetheless was incorrect for your gamepad.

I would stick to your solution.

Okey, I will stick to my solution, but (I don’t like changing that kinda of stuff, I prefer to use the default path and just add the new .cfg to /storage/joypad and should work, like to other people, Idk if I need to change some setting to that work as it should, but :whatever:).

Now, I only have a freeze issue ( )

@metchebe do u know anything about that?


If you really want then you can try this (backup your files first!):

Go to Settings > Input > User 1 Binds > Save Autoconfig

This should create the cfg file that exactly matches your controller’s input_vendor_id, input_product_id, input_device and with the correct cfg name.

If it does not then try “Bind All” before saving the autoconfig.

This might create a config without button labels and/or overwrite one of your files. In any case you can add them back manually with a text editor.