How to play 2048 and other games?

Hi, if I try to play 2048 at the configuration screen I see “Start core” in addition to the normal “Load Content” etc. If I select “Start Core” it says “No items”, and loading content (obviously I think), there isn’t anything to load in the 2048 folder. What should I do?

You should be able to just load the core and then start content. If that’s not doing anything, something is wrong. Does the log have anything useful?

I can’t see any log file in the sd. Anyway I setted as “core dir” the directory “sdmc:/retroarch/cores”, and as “core info dir” the directory “sdmc:/retroarch/cores/info” I think the problem is that there isn’t anything in the simple “core dir”, while there are info files in the “core info dir” so this last directory is well setted, I think.