How to remove the black border in PS1 game?

Hello everybody. I would like to know how to remove the black border in PS1 game when using RetroArch ios. I used iPad Air with RetroArch to run the PS1 game Arc the Lad 2. However, I found there is black border in the upper and lower part of the screen, while the game will become full-screened when CG is showing. Can I make it full-screened during the game (not only CG)? I tried to change the Video option in the Frontend but it didn’t work.

Thank you very much for your help.

A lot of PSX games change resolution frequently, which leaves some scenes letterboxed like that. AFAIK, there’s not really anything to be done about it.

If anyone knows different, feel free to chime in. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your answer. But is there any method to change to full screen mode? I don’t mind the change in proportion of the game screen. Can I set at a lower resolution and then scale it up?

I guess you could try playing with the aspect ratio to fill the screen