How to restore Retro Arch default settings?

I screwed up when I was entering in the menu keyboard controls. The ability to select a menu item vanished. How do I delete what I did and go back to the original settings? Thanks in advance.

All RetroArch settings are saved in the retroarch.cfg file (can be opened with any text editor). You can also modify the controls from there you don’t mind working with text files.

Just delete retroarch.cfg. It will be recreated when you start RA.

[QUOTE=kalehrl;22925]Just delete retroarch.cfg. It will be recreated when you start RA.[/QUOTE]

How do you just delete it like you say? I try ‘sudo rm etc/retroarch.cfg’ and it tells me the file doesn’t exist.

If you’re in Windows, it’s right there in your RetroArch directory. If you’re in linux, it should be in ~/.config/retroarch.