Sorry for the slight OT but I think it wasn’t worth to open a new thread.
About override, I made a .cfg file for tate content for fbneo where I change some video scaling option and also overlay configuration, the weird thing is that all the parameters do change correctly but the aspect ratio don’t change: I mean the value changes (also in the menu it correctly switch from 4/3 to Core Provided) but not in the actual screen, then if I do Save Game Override and then close and reopen the content it’s all good with the new config.
Not a big deal but maybe I’m doing something wrong?
In my retroarch.cfg I have
aspect_ratio_index = "0"
video_scale_integer = "true"
TATE override file
aspect_ratio_index = “22”
input_overlay = “:\overlays\TATE.cfg”
input_overlay_scale_landscape = “1.000000”
video_scale_integer = “false”