need this as implement for actual program and downgrading to working core
It doesn’t look like the core updater is working well with me. Some cores that should be updated on the buildbot compared to the one on my PCs are not on the checklist, and when everything is updated it always shows one core (used to be tyr-quake, and when I deleted that it was vba-m).
I think it’s because it’s scanning the HTML code for dates instead of the JavaScript rendered page, which are different.
I will need to come up with a new method to get the dates. Possibly have it render the page inside the program, then scan that instead.
Lately I got a weird bug, the core updater shows me the same 4 cores to update, except once I update and check again immediately after the update, it’s the same 4 again, and it’s been happening for 3 days.
In the screenshots, the mednafen psx cores that should be selected for update are not in the checklist, and the 4 cores that are supposedly outdated are actually already updated but are in the checklist anyways.
EDIT: Not sure why the images were resized like this so I’m putting direct links instead:
[QUOTE=Komus;47412]Lately I got a weird bug, the core updater shows me the same 4 cores to update, except once I update and check again immediately after the update, it’s the same 4 again, and it’s been happening for 3 days.
In the screenshots, the mednafen psx cores that should be selected for update are not in the checklist, and the 4 cores that are supposedly outdated are actually already updated but are in the checklist anyways.
EDIT: Not sure why the images were resized like this so I’m putting direct links instead:[/QUOTE]
Hmm, your PC Cores are 9-15 and the Buildbot are 9-10, yet it still puts it on the update list.
My comparison code is pretty simple, it gets the other ones correct, I’m wondering what it is about those certain cores that it’s not getting the correct information.
Maybe I can put code to double check the dates and remove if it’s already up to date.
Those cores don’t reappear when I run it, so I also wonder if it’s a time zone issue or a windows time issue.
I wish Retroarch itself could be set to auto update the cores you have. I just want my cores auto updated, not the program itself. Is this updater tool able to just update your cores? I don’t see any working links to get this tool. Thanks.
The program got messed up with the new RetroArch versions. I had to put it on hold.
I can fix it, it will take a few days and I’ll post a download link and send you a pm.
That’s great. Thank you very much!
Update v0.80 Beta
Redist option added to the Download menu.
If RetroArch has errors starting after update, run that option to install the latest Redistributables.
Update 0.8.2
- Optimized Code
- Added “Upgrade” menu option.
Use this if updating to a new milestone version, such as 1.5 to 1.6.
It will update all files, such as overlays and shaders.
It excludes extracting and overwriting your configs, but you should backup to be safe. - RetroArch & RA+Cores menu options only update the exe’s. Use these options when doing everyday small updates.
Maybe a silly crazy question and maybe there is an option out there, but, can you have this perform an update based on the stable build as well?
I will look into adding a Stable option, or even release a Stable downloader. I will PM you when.
Thanks for considering it, a real pain to hem and haw about the “best” way to update the stable build. Will be hoping the change required is minimal!
Update 0.8.3
User Guide
Change Log
- Added “New Cores” option
- Optimized Load Saved Settings
- Uses new method for Loading Themes
- Reduced Program Size by 40%
If the program starts with a white background, go to Configure → Clear Saved, restart program. or go to C:\Users[Your Name]\AppData\Local\Stellar and delete the old configs.
Menu Options
- New Install - Installs RetroArch, Redistributables, & Cores. Replaces Configs with default.
- Upgrade - Upgrades RetroArch to the latest version, including Redistributables and Configs.
- RetroArch - Updates RetroArch to the latest version, excluding Redistributables and Configs.
- RA + Cores - Updates RetoArch and currently installed Cores.
- Cores - Updates currently installed Cores.
- New Cores - Installs Cores that are newly releseased or missing from your current install.
- Redist - Installs Redistributables. Helpful if RetroArch won’t start after update.
Update 0.8.4
GitHub Download
User Guide
New Features
I’ve tried to improve the accuracy by using a new method to fetch cores from the update list, thanks to @anon24419061 suggestion.
And to exclude unknown or renamed cores that are still in the folder, causing date comparisons to be off.
I’ve tested all the features, though it’s still experimental, let me know how it works.
- Changed Parse HTML to index-extended
- Changed File Creation/Modified Time to UTC
- Added Debug Window
- Added Star Dust Theme
- Added Chaos Theme
- “New Install” Cores Extraction
- “New Cores” Check Clear
- Excludes Unknown Cores
If the program starts with a white background, go to Configure → Clear Saved, restart program. Or go to C:\Users[Your Name]\AppData\Local\Stellar and delete the old configs.
If you receive “Error: Cannot connect to Server”, try a few times, it may have failed to download the cores list.
If certain cores are throwing the updater out of sync, delete them and use “New Cores” option to download a new version.
If you Update cores, but it still says they are out of date, it might be a Time Zone problem.
Menu Options
- New Install - Installs RetroArch, Redistributables, & Cores. Replaces Configs with default.
- Upgrade - Upgrades RetroArch to the latest version, including Redistributables and Configs.
- RetroArch - Updates RetroArch to the latest version, excluding Redistributables and Configs.
- RA + Cores - Updates RetroArch and currently installed Cores.
- Cores - Updates currently installed Cores.
- New Cores - Installs Cores that are newly releseased or missing from your current install.
- Redist - Installs Redistributables. Helpful if RetroArch won’t start after update.
First and foremost, THANK YOU! Fantastic work!
0.8.4 Beta , stuck at “extracting retroarch” if cores are “already latest version” when using “RA+Cores”.
When only “Retroarch” is selected, everything is okay.
Thanks for finding the bug.
I replaced the same download with a v0.8.4.1 hotfix.
I tested it and I believe it’s been fixed.
This is nice, I’ll wait a little more to use it
Thanks, I will test and optimize it further.
last stellar version crashes every time when pressing the check or update buttons.
OS: win 10 64bit