I need help with Legend of Dragoon

Hi there. This are my specs: Samsung Galaxy J7 Android 6.0.1 32 bit Retroarch (I don’t know how to see the version, but I always update every program (manually, not automatically, but still I update all of them) with PCSX ReArmed core. Legend of Dragoon SCUS versions. SCPH1001.bin Both Memory Card Saves and Save States.

Here’s the thing. The game works marvelously, except when I morph into Dragoons, because when I do the magics, they don’t have sound, like at all. Which is weird, because until the ghost ship in disc two, the sound was perfect. Also, no cgi videos have sound, except the opening from disc one. When the dragoon morph sound problem started to happen, I tinkered a bit with the sound driver and the resampler, but I got the same results, nothing changed. Currently, I’m playing with the default sound settings, or at least, what I believe were the default settings before I change anything. Also, now, as I write, I believe this started happening right after the last update of the emulator, can it be? I googled up the problems, and found this game always had this problems from day one of psx emulation, but no solutions to them, except changing the emulator, wich I strongly don’t want to do. One thing. I ripped the images from the cd in ISO format, but when the ISO format didn’t seem to work properly, I converted the images to BIN and CUE, instead of ripping the images again directly from the CD (the images were old, and I currently only have an external DVD writer, very old too, and very annoying to connect, hence the converting of the images instead of the reripping). Then I started to play normally. What could be the problem? If I have to rerip the images, I’ll do it gladly, I didn’t do it so far simply because this poblems have been with the game for quite some time. Any suggestion is welcome! Thanks in advance!

Sound issues could indeed be related to the ISO -> bin/cue conversion. ISOs don’t keep the audio track locations so the cue sheet won’t have them listed properly.

Reripped the images directly from the CD, and it worked like a charm!! Thanks a lot hunterk!!!

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