Ideas to improve android version

Hi everybody and thank you developers for your incredible work. I use Retroarch for android TV box, Windows TV box and Android smartphones and i really really love it.

I guess android version is really frustrating for you developpers, because you put a lot of effort on it, and users always criticize your work. I would like to share my ideas, so that everybody can enjoy the incredible power of retroarch and libretro; here are my suggestions, from the easiest to the hardest to implement

  1. Default configuration file for Android should be made to match the most device configuration possible:
  • activate retropad by default in the gui and in the cores. This is my main suggestion. In fact you have a lot of issues with touch control sensitivity (ver 1.3 doesn’t function at all on my jiayu s3) and smartphone users don’t have a game pad (most of them). With retropad, users could either use it when they have no game controler, or navigate in the menus to adjust the settings.

If they have a TV box or a game controller, they can easily navigate in the options to deactivate it.

[strike]-enable vsync and audio sync by default is the best option for most actual android device, following my experience.[/strike] --> done on R1.3

  1. Have error message and the ability to go back to gui instead of just a crash : For exemple :" bios missing" or “dynamic recompilation not working on your device” or “video plugin not compatible with your device”, etc… Maybe it’s core related and not retroarch ?

3.have a clear and complete description of all the items in the gui. There is a short description of the items when you push the select button, but it’s not enough and you have to try the select key to find it ! , it should be completed and displayed by default somewhere on the screen (on the right or in the bottom) . +

3b. AND cherry on the cake : have a visual preview of the overlays, shaders, gui, etc…

  1. [strike]Increase size of xmb font, especially in vertical orientation. Landscape orientation : font size is too small on screens less than 5". There is a force dpi overide option but it does not function.[/strike] It’s OK on r 1.3, but when you launch retroarch in portrait mode, and then switch to landscape, font stay small.

  2. Have a configuration wizard! I know it’s a lot of work, but you could use your great libretro engine to do a fantastic configuration wizard / first use guide ! You could ask the user if he uses physical controller or not, which gui they prefer with a preview, which core they want, which overlay, which shader …

  3. Improve core updater : OK I’ve a lot of imaganitation, so let’s go, no limit ! : _filter by machine _rating of the cores following this criteria : accuracy / ressource or power needed / number of download / user rating …

That’s all !

Again my post in not to criticise your work, it’s just incredible ! But I would like to friendly share my ideas with you

These are good suggestions. Thanks for your input :slight_smile: