Increase Speed of Custom Aspect Ratio Positioning?

In RetroArch, when going to Settings > Video > Scaling and changing Custom Aspect Ratio Positioning, you hold your keyboard’s left / right arrow keys to increase or decrease the number, the only thing is, it is sp painfully slow. It takes upwards of five minutes if you want to dramatically alter the screen size for a handheld system, for example. Is there any way to increase the speed of this process, is there a keyboard key I can simultaneously hold down with the arrow keys to make this a faster process?

Thank you in advance.

Have you tried turning on integer scaling to get a rough size and then turning it off to fine tune it?

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Unfortunately, that did not work. You have to turn integer scaling back off in order to go back to custom adjustment and when you do so, it changes it to another size and position.

ah, true enough. However, I just verified that you can press ‘enter’ on the option and it will bring up the onscreen keyboard and you can type in your desired value.

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Oh, I didn’t know that. If I can manually enter a number, that should make it a far quicker process. I’ll look forward to trying that; thanks very much.

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