Indication of saves states existing?

Could be very useful if there was an indication that a game we are loading has save states for it. Like a “Save States found” message after loading.

After years of use, there are tons of random games that may have save states. Ofc, i can go to the states folder and explore there to find out but for an arcade cabinet setup i think it’s better for such a message to appear instead of going to the menu and select “load state” just to see if i did a save the last time i played.

using the XMB menu, you should be able to see state screenshots, if they exist.

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Thanks but this isn’t what i’m suggesting though.

Firstly, this doesn’t work retroactively. The screenshots only appear on saves you do after you enable the option. Older states still won’t have screenshots.

Secondly, this doesn’t show you that save states exist after you load a game. You still have to go to the load state menu option to see if there is one. The only difference is that this time you don’t have to press the button to see if it loads.

What i’m asking is for RA to detect if there is any save state at all for any game and indicate with a message on load, just like how it indicates that a control override is loaded. Could be like “Save States detected” after load or something like that.

This is a huge topic! Savestates are an amazing thing that can be more powerful with little effort. As you said, Gema, being offered for a state load and having a notification of existing saves is needed. I was also thinking about date and time for each recorded state. That means detecting stored states and showing their date in the GUI. There is no way for normal people to remember the last state of every game in their collection. Unless you make it 0 on purpose.