Initial configuration, keyboard - OS X release

I’ve just downloaded and am starting to play with the OS X release of RetroArch- it is great to finally find a working FBA port for OS X!

I’m having a problem using the keyboard (I’ve only tested FBA). I’ve found this thread (below) with some general keyboard settings, but so far I have had no luck, possibly because there are no ‘coin’ buttons. Also, when launching from phoenix, it overwrites the config each time. This is fine since phoenix only takes one rom at a time (are there any rom browsers?) and thus it has just been easier for me to work from the command line. It’s frustrating to finally get here and yet be so far from actually playing anything…

Is there a good place to start on how to configure RetroArch for OS X or PC?

These docs were written for Windows and are a bit out of date on some options (particularly shader setup), but they should cover most of it:

The coin button should be mapped to whatever your ‘select’ button is, I think; ‘tab’ by default. It shouldn’t be overwriting your config if everything is working properly. It’s a known issue that it forgets the config file each time you launch, but you should be able to just browse back to it and be set.

You could also try launching the RetroArch binary/executable directly and use RGUI for configuration (its default hotkey is ‘F1’).

Ah, thank you. I’ll look at those as soon as I get off work.

One thing on the RGUI config. As a user of MAME, I’m used to the configuration console that MAME offers but in the Input Options in RGUI, there was no ‘keyboard’ input option, only joypad and a number of others, including Mouse, for example. Otherwise I might be playing already. :wink:

RetroArch thinks in terms of gamepads but you can map those virtual gamepad buttons to anything you want, including keystrokes.

I’m going to say thanks in advance (I don’t get off work until the wee hours) as this is about the fastest support I’ve ever gotten for a free/open source project, even when deployed in an production style environment (which, for retro-gaming, isn’t really relevent, but… yeah)! Thanks!

The only way I was able to get the keyboard to even start to work was to set input_autodetect_enable to false. Even then the shift keys (and maybe others) are not recognized and I had to set the ‘select’ manually. I’ve been trying to get input debugging working by setting input_debug_enable to true but nothing results.

More importantly the color is significantly off for some of the “more recent” games, such as 1944 or AlienVsPredator. Here are some images:


what I’m getting:

Here is my log

RetroArch CMD: /Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/RetroArch Binary/retroarch /Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/ROMs/FBA/ -c /Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/retroarch_test0.cfg -v

=== Build =======================================
Compiler: GCC (4.2.1) 64-bit
Built: May 30 2013
RetroArch: [CPUID]: Vendor: GenuineIntel
RetroArch: [CPUID]: SSE:  1
RetroArch: [CPUID]: SSE2: 1
RetroArch: [CPUID]: AVX:  0
RetroArch: Loading config from: /Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/retroarch_test0.cfg.
=== Config ===
system_directory = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch"
video_smooth = "true"
video_driver = "gl"
audio_driver = "coreaudio"
stdin_cmd_enable = "true"
libretro_path = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/libretro-05-30-2013/libretro-fba-"
phoenix_last_rom = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/ROMs/FBA/"
input_player1_select = "n"
input_autodetect_enable = "false"
input_debug_enable = "true"
rewind_enable = "false"
rewind_granularity = "1"
video_shader_enable = "true"
video_scale_integer = "false"
video_vsync = "true"
video_hard_sync = "false"
video_hard_sync_frames = "0"
aspect_ratio_index = "4"
audio_rate_control = "true"
audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000"
savefile_directory = "default"
savestate_directory = "default"
rgui_browser_directory = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/ROMs/FBA"
video_shader_dir = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL"
overlay_directory = "default"
overlay_opacity = "1.000000"
overlay_scale = "1.000000"
gamma_correction = "false"
throttle_enable = "false"
triple_buffering_enable = "false"
info_msg_enable = "false"
soft_filter_enable = "false"
flicker_filter_enable = "false"
flicker_filter_index = "0"
soft_filter_index = "0"
current_resolution_id = "0"
custom_viewport_width = "1152"
custom_viewport_height = "672"
custom_viewport_x = "0"
custom_viewport_y = "0"
video_font_size = "48.000000"
config_save_on_exit = "true"
sound_mode = "0"
state_slot = "0"
audio_mute = "0"
screen_orientation = "0"
custom_bgm_enable = "false"
input_dpad_emulation_p1 = "0"
input_device_p1 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p2 = "0"
input_device_p2 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p3 = "0"
input_device_p3 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p4 = "0"
input_device_p4 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p5 = "0"
input_device_p5 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p6 = "0"
input_device_p6 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p7 = "0"
input_device_p7 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p8 = "0"
input_device_p8 = "0"
input_player1_select_axis = "nul"
input_player1_select_btn = "nul"
input_overlay = "n"
video_aspect_ratio = "-1.000000"
=== Config end ===
RetroArch: Loading dynamic libretro from: "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/libretro-05-30-2013/libretro-fba-"
RetroArch: Version of libretro API: 1
RetroArch: Compiled against API: 1
RetroArch: ROM loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
[FBA] Archive: 1944
Game: 1944
RetroArch: Environ SET_ROTATION: 0
RetroArch: Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.
Frontend supports RGB565 - will use that instead of XRGB1555.
has_analog: 0
parentrom: (null)
boardrom: (null)
drvname: 1944
genre: 2
hardware: 117506048
P1 Coin - assigned to key: RetroPad Button Select, port: 0.
P1 Start - assigned to key: RetroPad Button Start, port: 0.
P1 Up - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Up, port: 0.
P1 Down - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Down, port: 0.
P1 Left - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Left, port: 0.
P1 Right - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Right, port: 0.
P1 Shot - assigned to key: RetroPad Button B, port: 0.
P1 Bomb - assigned to key: RetroPad Button A, port: 0.
P2 Coin - assigned to key: RetroPad Button Select, port: 1.
P2 Start - assigned to key: RetroPad Button Start, port: 1.
P2 Up - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Up, port: 1.
P2 Down - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Down, port: 1.
P2 Left - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Left, port: 1.
P2 Right - assigned to key: RetroPad D-Pad Right, port: 1.
P2 Shot - assigned to key: RetroPad Button B, port: 1.
P2 Bomb - assigned to key: RetroPad Button A, port: 1.
Reset - assigned to key: RetroPad Reset, port: 0.
Diagnostic - assigned to key: RetroPad Diagnostic, port: 0.
Service - assigned to key: RetroPad Service, port: 0.
RetroArch: Set audio input rate to: 32013.30 Hz.
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/4xBR.OpenGL.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/5xBR Rounded.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/5xBR Semi-Rounded.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/5xBR Squared.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Bicubic (normal).shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Bicubic (sharp).shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Bicubic (sharper).shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/caligari-scanlines.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/CRT-interlaced-halation.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/CRT-interlaced.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/CRT-simple.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/CRT.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Curvature.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Dot 'n Bloom.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/edge-detection.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/HDR-TV.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/heavybloom.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/HQ2x.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/implementation-test.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Integer-Scale.OpenGL.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Lanczos (4tap).shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Lanczos (6tap).shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/NTSC.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Phosphor-simple.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Pixellate-scanlines.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Pixellate.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Quilez.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/SABR.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Scale2x.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Scale4xHQ.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/scanline-3x.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/scanline-4x.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/simplebloom.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/SimpleTVBlur.OpenGL.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Themaister-scanlines.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Themaister-Waterpaint-scanlines.shader"
RetroArch: Found shader "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL/Themaister-Waterpaint.shader"
RetroArch: Adjusting aspect ratio to 1.71
RetroArch: Video @ 1152x672
RetroArch: Found GL context: sdl-gl
RetroArch: Detecting screen resolution 2560x1440.
RetroArch: GL: Using resolution 1152x672
RetroArch: [GL]: Not loading any shader.
RetroArch: GL: Loaded 0 program(s).
RetroArch: Found joypad driver: "sdl".
RetroArch: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Failed to load config file: n.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Failed to load overlay.
RetroArch: [CoreAudio]: Using output sample rate of 48000.0 Hz
RetroArch: [CoreAudio]: Using buffer size of 24576 bytes: (latency = 64 ms)
RetroArch: Sinc resampler [SSE]
RetroArch: SINC params (8 phase bits, 16 taps).
RetroArch: [RGUI]: Opening history: /Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/.retroarch-history.txt.
RetroArch: Paused.

And my config:

system_directory = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch"
video_smooth = "true"
video_driver = "gl"
audio_driver = "coreaudio"
stdin_cmd_enable = "true"
libretro_path = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/libretro-05-30-2013/libretro-fba-"
phoenix_last_rom = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/ROMs/FBA/"
input_player1_select = "n"
input_autodetect_enable = "false"
input_debug_enable = "true"
rewind_enable = "false"
rewind_granularity = "1"
video_shader_enable = "true"
video_scale_integer = "false"
video_vsync = "true"
video_hard_sync = "false"
video_hard_sync_frames = "0"
aspect_ratio_index = "4"
audio_rate_control = "true"
audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000"
savefile_directory = "default"
savestate_directory = "default"
rgui_browser_directory = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/ROMs/FBA"
video_shader_dir = "/Users/plumberofdeath/Documents/RetroArch/Shaders/OpenGL"
overlay_directory = "default"
overlay_opacity = "1.000000"
overlay_scale = "1.000000"
gamma_correction = "false"
throttle_enable = "false"
triple_buffering_enable = "false"
info_msg_enable = "false"
soft_filter_enable = "false"
flicker_filter_enable = "false"
flicker_filter_index = "0"
soft_filter_index = "0"
current_resolution_id = "0"
custom_viewport_width = "1152"
custom_viewport_height = "672"
custom_viewport_x = "0"
custom_viewport_y = "0"
video_font_size = "48.000000"
config_save_on_exit = "true"
sound_mode = "0"
state_slot = "0"
audio_mute = "0"
screen_orientation = "0"
custom_bgm_enable = "false"
input_dpad_emulation_p1 = "0"
input_device_p1 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p2 = "0"
input_device_p2 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p3 = "0"
input_device_p3 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p4 = "0"
input_device_p4 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p5 = "0"
input_device_p5 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p6 = "0"
input_device_p6 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p7 = "0"
input_device_p7 = "0"
input_dpad_emulation_p8 = "0"
input_device_p8 = "0"
input_player1_select_axis = "nul"
input_player1_select_btn = "nul"
input_overlay = "n"
video_aspect_ratio = "-1.000000"

I’ll try to take a closer look at these issues. We don’t get to do a lot of Mac testing, so I rely on reports like these to know when something is wrong :slight_smile:

Thanks for submitting these reports.

Not a problem. I am a fan of FBA and have most ROMs, for both the recent 26 and 27 builds. If you need any further testing, I am available. I’ll try the other emulators as well.

Errr - you shouldn’t even be using FBA libretro core - that is a stone-age version.

We’re onto version nowadays.

Where did you get this outdated core from?

Probably from my pack. I’ve had trouble building it for a while. It errors out building some capcom stuff. I’ve had the same issue with my debian packages.

It shouldn’t. It should build just fine right now.

If not, let me know specifically what errors you run into.

It looks to be a problem with src/burn/drv/capcom/ctv_do.h. Most of it scrolls by too fast to read and it doesn’t seem to like being piped to files… Anyway, there’s a bunch of this:

src/burn/drv/capcom/ctv_do.h: In function ‘INT32 CtvDo416_c_b()’:


src/burn/drv/capcom/ctv_do.h:158:33: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
src/burn/drv/capcom/ctv_do.h:158:33: error: ‘PLOT’ was not declared in this scope

You’re missing the ‘generated’ datafiles then or you are overwriting the pre-existing ones.

I’ll check if they come prepackaged.

is the ‘make -f makefile.libretro generate-files’ step not needed anymore?

Just to mention, if it wasn’t obvious at the moment, 1944 and Alien VS Predator are Capcom games. I threw Marvel VS Capcom in there as well to confirm. Earlier Capcom games, such as 1941, are true to their color. Other ‘higher end’ games, such as Cave’s Donpachi, present correct color.

I’ve also tried several keyboards, none of which recognize the left shift button and everything required the input_autodetect_enable = “false”.

I’m updating my rompack to 28 now in anticipation!

No, you should not do this anymore because it will overwrite already shipped pre-generated files which have been customized in advance so that they’re set up just right.

Looks like that was my problem. I’ll get my packages updated ASAP.

@plumberofdeath I’ll post a link to download that updated core here for you so you don’t have to pull down the whole pack again.

Don’t worry, I have already acquired the 28 rompack (I’m blessed with good bandwidth), I just have to convert them to zip from 7zip and I already have a tiny script I whipped up yesterday for that. 7zip support would be nice in the future. :wink:

Not to get off subject, but I have a couple other questions.

  1. Is there a preferred directory structure? I’ve been copying everything off the DMG directly to a single directory but the cfg is never auto detected by phoenix. I believe the binary expects the config to be in the same directory and I see there is a system_directory config setting- how is this related? And, as is, is everything being properly detected if I copy directly from the DMG in the same directory structure?

  2. I’m playing with using the tattiebogle driver for my wireless xbox controller and hear noise of a retroarch-joyconfig but I see no retroarch tools for OS X. Is there a reason or is this intentional?

I’m loving this so far. Now if only the iOS version could build with for non-jailbroken devices and I’d be in haven.

Oh, wait, you meant the libretro-fba- or, more accurately, libretro-fba-, right?

yeah, that’s what i meant. Here it is: