Ever since I switched over to the stable PPA, and updated RetroArch to the build in that PPA, the input configuration has been wonky for me. I can configure Player 1’s controls just fine, but when I switch to any other player’s configuration page, it simply does not register any inputs. I’m also noticing that the keyboard inputs appear to shift upward and wrap to the bottom upon changing pages. For example, Player 1’s keyboard input for “B”, which is the Z key, gets shifted to the “Menu Toggle” input at the very bottom, and becomes the input used for Player 1’s “X”, when the page is changed to Player 2.
Player 1: http://i.imgur.com/wMoKn7N.png
Player 2: http://i.imgur.com/ZyhLM1l.png
As a result, I cannot configure any other players’ controls.
Any ideas as to what is causing this? Or is it simply a bug?