Input devices not responding

Hello everybody,

I know that there are already some reports about not responding devices but they are already resolved long ago.

My system:
Beebox N3000
LibreElec 8.2.1
RetroArch 8.169.7 (from Gamestarter repository)
Tested input devices (working fine within kodi):
8BITDO SFC30 GAMEPAD (connected via USB)
Logitech K400r
Logitech G110
Harmony Remote with ASrock mappings

None of the tested devices works for me. I’m not able to navigate the menu. The only response I get is from the K400r. With this device I’m able to move the cursor but nothing more.
When the SFC30 is connected the following yellow text is shown in the bottom left corner: “100x 8Bitdo SF30 configured in port #0”. (for me it is weird that the message is “…port #0” independent of the connected usb port)
Maybe it is noticeable that there is always a cursor, indepent of the connected input device. I would have expected that the cursor only appears with a connected mouse.
I already tested every “input_driver” setting available.

I hope you can help me. Thank you in advance

“port #0” refers to RetroArch’s virtual controller ports, so #0 is appropriate.

You may need to go into the online updater and update the joypad profiles.

How can I update the files if I can’t control anything within retroarch?

well, the easiest thing would be to plug up a keyboard, but barring that, you could download the profiles manually and put them into ~/.config/retroarch/autoconf (assuming gamestarter repo hasn’t moved anything around):

Thank you for your help.
Unfortunately I have the same input problems with my keyboards.
After manually updating the profiles nothing changed

Ok, I would check with the gamestarter repo folks and see if they have any suggestions, since keyboards should definitely work.

The last thing you might try is moving your ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg somewhere else and let RetroArch create a new one for you in case something got messed up.

Removing the retroarch.cfg did not help either… But I just recognised something else:
The time in the top right corner doesn’t update. Maybe RetroArch “just” freezed. The response I get for my mouse could be from the os itself, or?
Anything I could check to support this assumption?

if the ribbon effect in the background isn’t moving, then it’s probably frozen.

it isn’t moving, I try to make an issue in the gamestarter gitlab. Thanks anyway :slight_smile: