whenever my I load my emulators on Retroarch, my inputs are assigned to port 1 which is player 2. I need them assigned to port 0 which is player 1.
How do I fix this?
whenever my I load my emulators on Retroarch, my inputs are assigned to port 1 which is player 2. I need them assigned to port 0 which is player 1.
How do I fix this?
Are you launching with the remote and then picking up the controller?
No. I have two controllers but the autoconfig loads on the second controller
try going into settings > input > p1 input binds and change the device index to the other pad.
No luck here…still assigned to player 2
In that case, if it’s the autoconfig that’s doing it, you can disable autoconfiguration and just hard-map everything.
How do I disable autoconfigs?
settings > input > autoconfig enabled OFF
If you don’t see it, make sure advanced options are visible in settings > user interface
Last question…how do I hard map?
settings > input > p1 input binds
thank you very much. it worked. My inputs are now assigned to player 1
As I cannot create new topics, I would like to use this thread to ask you about configuration…
I’m running the new Shield TV, RetroArch, latest SW versions using the following controllers: Remote control, 8Bitdo SNES controller (Bluetooth), DualShock 3 (for newer games).
They all work, but I don’t quite get how…
Usually I start up RetroArch using the remote. Of course I can use the remote to navigate through the app. Choosing a PSX game I want to use the DS3. Once in the game, it would work, but I need to press “OK” on the remote once before it starts working.
Somehow I can exit the games pressing the Select button on the DS3. From thereon, I cannot navigate using the remote any longer Resuming the game, I have to press OK on the remote before the DS3 starts working ingame again.
The 8Bitdo works well for SNES games, but I didn’t manage to get out of the game at all. Once I’m in a SNES game, the remote completely stops working, and no key/combination on the 8Bitdo lets me exit.
To sum things up: Is there a way to always navigate using the remote no matter what (and also exiting the game), and why does the DS3 only work ingame when I press the OK button on the remote before?
Thank you for reading