Integer pre-scaling BEFORE bilinear scaling?

Is it possible to implement or point me to an option for integer prescaling if it already exists?

I would like to prescale 4* without applying any filter, then use bilinear for the remainder to bring me up to fullscreen resolution.

An example would be the “sharp bilinear” filter from Mednafen, or the prescale option found in MAME.

There’s a sharp-bilinear shader in the ‘retro’ subdirectory of the main shader directory that does exactly that. aann (anti-aliased nearest-neighbor) and pixellate do something similar, as well.

Yes, it looks like the shaders include a sharp-bilinear option. But how do I select a shader from the gui. I can only select “filters” but not shaders. Am I blind?

EDIT: I found it, but wow that is not easy to find. The shader options are in the quick menu at the very bottom. Why not in the main video menu? Oh my…

They used to be in the main settings menu but people like to change them in-game and it was a drag having to back out of the quick menu and then go to settings > shader settings so we moved it to the quick menu for easier access.