IOS deleting core

Hello proffesionals,

I run the latest retroarch on iPad with the latest iPadOS. I cannot delete any core. I tried both ways it seems all is ok after deleting but core remains. I used it to show my son what I played as kid and I use only 3 core. So it is hard for my son to switch between them when I have so many cores.

Thank you for any advice.


Hello first of all 10/10 parenting skills - introducing kids to classics!

Then if you are compiling and installing the ipa through Xcode, you should just remove the dylib files from ‘modules’ and files from ‘info’ directories for the cores you don’t want.

If you are sideloading an ipa file then you may be able to open the contents and delete from there, but I have not tried this so can’t confirm it will work.

Thanks. I must say my younger son 4y loves Alex Kidd as me :slight_smile:

I am not developer and the guide for using Xcode is not straight forward enough for me :frowning:

I use IPA file. Unfortunately as I read cores are included within app file (I tried to edit IPA file and it includes only app file). So I am not able to remove unwanted core.

I will have to wait for newer version of IPA and hope someone will fix this issue.

There is no fix; Apple’s signing process mean the IPA is immutable once installed, including adding/removing the cores.

The IPA file is literally just a ZIP file, you can change its extension to .zip and open it up normally. The cores will be kept in Payload/, you can just delete them and zip it back up. If you use a Mac you will have to tell Finder to “Show Package Contents” of

Thanks guys. You were both right. The problem was on mi side. I tried to open files in finder and inside ipa file is app file and finder tries to run it.

To edit files I used muCommader file manager and through it I was able open it and find cores. I found cores I need it and rest I deleted. App is even smaller 200MB.

thanks again!