Iphone6 Plus Overlay Issues

I finally got the custom screen size configured but I’m having problems with the overlays. The buttons are not full screen and the hitboxes do not properly line up with the buttons

I ended up having to disable full screen mode within the N64 overlay cfg to get the overlay to go fullscreen but once again the hitboxes still do not line up with the buttons. The hit boxes seem to be pushed to the right on every button.

Any ideas?

I’ve got the same issue dude. I’d guess try changing the aspect ratio for the overlay. I managed to make it smaller and that fixed the accuracy, but it’s also not helping since everything’s squeezed into the bottom left of my screen.

How did you manage to get fullscreen working?

It took awhile but here is what I set it too

I have the aspect ratio to 7 Custom Viewport X = -255 Custom Viewport Y = -300

Custom Viewport Width = 2150 Custom Viewport Height = 975

The emulation is near perfect but until buttons are fixed its not playable.

The mobile beta,, should be coming out soon for Android and iOS. That should get you guys fixed up, I think.

That would be great! I have everything the way I want it, except being able to control it! Hah

Will this beta be released via Cydia?

Yeah, we’ll be pushing it out through our own cydia repo (not sure if it’s currently functional or not, but we’ll get it back up when the time comes if not). Not sure if we’ll push the beta out to Zottd’s repo or not. I would think not, but we haven’t really discussed it yet.

I tried the settings you specified in global core and mupen64plus and this what I got

It’s a little better than I had before but still looks pretty whack. Kinda frustrated since this is actually a good emulator, kinda hard to use without the proper L/R/Z experience, which is hard to implement proper but then again the screen and controls right now are a mess so that’s secondary.

But yeah if you guys got any ideas, I’d be happy to hear em since I keep getting a tiny image or black screen or some scrambled odd graphics thing when I’m changing stuff. It might just be a matter of waiting for the next release, which is a bummer since the 6+ is so right for this kind of emulator on the go.

Hello, i set up everything like u posted, all the measurements, but still no full screen on my iphone 6 plus, i start myself moving some numbers and i tried for a while but never get the full size, i’m not worry about the controls, since i play with ps4 controller, but the screen size would be awesome in full size, cuz this emulator is the best i got since i have my first iphone 3g with jailbreak, thanks and if you guys can give a help on this will be very appreciated

Seems there was a restore to the site and some posts went missing… Anywho. I was saying there is a tweak from rpetrich called “littlebrother” that will let you change the scaling on other devices to get the 6plus landscaping and scale features. Setting my 6notplus to “tiny” with this tweak will reproduce this to an extent. Might be a good way to test without having a dev have to buy a 6plus…

Any hope for an iphone 6 plus compatible version see’s the light before xmas?

  • mrwhite

There is a quick fix for the screen resolution that I posted in the comments of a recent blog post. The screen resolution is fixed but the overlay issues remain the same. With this fix you’ll be able to play your games in full screen with a controller or with some guess work in hitting the buttons.

(Scroll to the comments bellow in the link)



@CODhaloVET: Thanks I’ll try that. Unfortunately I’ve forgot my original settings for “custom viewport x” and “custom viewport y”. Does anybody know?

  • mrwhite

This is what I have under those settings…it’s not default but it works for my 6+…also if you touch and hold one of the fields for those settings it allows you to reset to default for that setting

@CODhaloVET: Thanks for the settings pal. Still can’t get any fullscreen at the PSX Mednafen core. Well, seem’s to be I need to wait for a iphone 6p modded version. NDS core seems to be broke as well on ios8.1.

Solution screen all emulators

@innato: Thanks, got it work now in fullscreen, PS1 at least.

Anyone got NDS games working on the iphone 6 plus? Retroarch always crashes on my phone.