Is it Time to Ask for a Wii U Port of Retroarch Yet? :)

Seeing as the WiiU is hacked now (Userland Exploit) would it be possible to port over Retroarch to the WiiU. Using the WiiU controller to play Retroarch would be a dream come true. :slight_smile:

Link to the thread if needed:


Interesting news, for sure.

We’ll need access to a hacked Wii U and a working toolchain (compiler, etc.) to be able to port anything to it.

I hope you guys get what you need to get Retroarch running natively on the WiiU the upgrade in the hardware alone in the should help out for bigger Cps2 and Mame games? maybe even PSP? :slight_smile:

Wii U is still PowerPC, so PPSSPP might not make it without a PPC dynarec, but it has waaaay more RAM than a regular Wii and almost double the clockspeed, so it should be able to run much more stuff. It also uses regular ol’ OpenGL, apparently, so shaders should be possible instead of being stuck with the Wii’s shader-like TEV garbage.

cool, we just need to get the word out that WiiU port is a possibility, just need to get the hardware to the right people:)

I’d say it’s a bit too soon to think about this. I can’t speak with certainty, but I’d say that the vast majority of people who still use a Wii U are on v5.4.0 and that most of those who aren’t likely don’t ever bother with this “high-tech stuff.” It’s really only a handful of people who are able to use the currently-available exploit and will be willing to do so for homebrew purposes: those who made the exploit, those who refrained from playing online for the past several months with the hope of using this, and those who are out buying another Wii U.

It’d be best to wait for one of the v5.4.0 exploits to be released before thinking about a Wii U port of RetroArch.

[QUOTE=bleakassassin;26884]I’d say it’s a bit too soon to think about this. I can’t speak with certainty, but I’d say that the vast majority of people who still use a Wii U are on v5.4.0 and that most of those who aren’t likely don’t ever bother with this “high-tech stuff.” It’s really only a handful of people who are able to use the currently-available exploit and will be willing to do so for homebrew purposes: those who made the exploit, those who refrained from playing online for the past several months with the hope of using this, and those who are out buying another Wii U.

It’d be best to wait for one of the v5.4.0 exploits to be released before thinking about a Wii U port of RetroArch.[/QUOTE]

Why? Surely it would be better to start now and have something ready or at least in progress when the latest hack is released for the WiiU. (soon) Plus I think there are ALOT of people still on 5.3.2(me included) waiting for something just like Retroarch to happen.

RetroArch hasn’t been a trailblazer for homebrew/emulation scenes for any particular platform. Sure, much of that has to do with it not really existing prior to a few years ago. I took a look at the “homebrew scene” for the Wii U. And yeah, it’s essentially nonexistent. If there are indeed “ALOT” of people on v5.3.2, wouldn’t someone have already started working on something substantial? Beyond that, I’ve seen the immense fervor between the Wii hacking scene and the RetroArch devs (twinaphex). I’m honestly surprised that the Wii is even still supported considering that. You’d think that that kind of disconnect between developers and the potential users would call off a certain project.

And I’m sorry if I feel the opposite about the amount of people who may be able to utilize the mods as of now. Evidence would point to the opposite:

  1. Wii U sales are terrible. It’s not even going to do GameCube numbers when all’s said and done.
  2. Many who bought the Wii U are families who either don’t know or don’t care about system modding.
  3. Most of those who care about “proper gaming” (I hesitate to use the term “gamers” in today’s society) have updated so they can play Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., and Splatoon online with others. Thus they are on v5.4.0.
  4. From reading comments in the threads on Wii U hacking, a good number of those who would be interested in using emulators are content doing it on another system, whether that be the Wii, a PC, or a phone.
  5. Again, those who are on v5.3.2 don’t seem to be doing anything interesting with the system.

It’s true. The WiiU homebrew scene is a bit stagnant atm, but in my opinion that’s because there hasn’t been any real app loader yet. Although there is talk of an Elf loader being worked on pretty soon though so maybe things will start to pick up then.

As for people working on something substantial, there are things being worked on, but they are all centred around game modding; like custom tracks in Mario Kart 8, or custom levels/music in NsmbU and I’m more interested in Emulation.

I think the WiiU is a perfect candidate for a Retro Console, and with Retroarch, it has the ability to either emulate and play anything upto Wii (minus a few) ;p And the best part is the WiiU controller. It complements emulation perfectly! The fact that it has actual buttons on it rather than having to tap and grind on a touch screen like on a tablet is a major reason why I bought the console in the first place (that and the first party games too) :slight_smile:

  1. WiiU sales are indeed terrible ,but why should that stop Retroarch from coming to the Console? I think I read somewhere that the WiiU has about the same sales numbers as the Dreamcast and that had a thriving Homebrew community (infact I think there’s still a few releases here and there)
  2. Many maybe but not all :slight_smile:
  3. I can still play Mario Kart 8 online and I’m still on 5.3.2 :smiley:
  4. Personally I have Emulators on every device I have that’s capable of it (and soon hopefully WiiU) :slight_smile:
  5. Agreed, but I hope Retroarch will be a really good start. lol

There’s both kernel and browser exploits found on Wii U up to the latest version. both browser and kernel exploits are released for 5.3.2, and the same kernel exploit works on 5.4.0 except that the browser exploit for 5.4.0 isn’t yet publicly released.

In my opinion there’s enough ground for developers to make/port homebrew/emulators etc… And that would definitely attract more people to the scene and make it more successful, I bought the wii U first time last year when MK8 came out, but then sold it few months later. But the hacking scene has encouraged me to buy it again. Now I am on 5.4.0, and I’m hoping there will be some homebrew work done already so when the exploit for 5.4.0 is released I would have more interesting things to do with my Wii U.

The firmware version should not be our concern, since we might figure out later on how to spoof/emunand or even downgrade.

I find it unfortunate to let go such a powerful console with such potential without good use.

Bump… There seems to be news of an IOSU exploit going to be released around Christmas time which should give access to all remaining hardware of the WiiU. once that’s released would a port of Retroarch then be considered?

Thanks :slight_smile:

If the exploit and toolchains are there, all we need is the hardware. Is there any word on whether it will require an older firmware or will it work on a newly-purchased console?

The IOSU Exploit will work on the latest Firmware as of today :slight_smile: 5.5.0

@hunterl: With the Wii U specs, could a Mupen64 core be possible on the Wii U?

Possibly. It’s hard to say right now, since we don’t know how powerful the CPU actually is (that is, PS3 and 360 aren’t fast enough without PPC dynarecs, despite having very high clockspeeds).

It would be pretty cool to see better N64 emulation since Wii64 and Not64 are all but dead :wink:

Bump. As of a few days ago, a kernel exploit that works on the latest firmware, 5.5.1, has been released.

Retroarch on the Wii U would be awesome :smiley:

A WiiU version of RetroArch would be PERFECT for retrogaming…

Came to here to mention that the latest firmware versions for Wii U have a kernel exploit public now. Also, there’s the latest Homebrew Launcher and the boot rate for the exploit hasn’t failed for me this week since the upgrade to the newest Race-Attack free exploit, which makes entering the HBL a breeze and consistent!

With that said, if a developer from the RA team is interested in porting the Wii version or making a new RA for the Wii U… Now is the PERFECT time to do so!

I personally recommend using an SD card with the latest HBL RC3 and using for testing. I’d gladly help out with the setup for the Wii U if help is needed. :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=ShadowOne333;38349]Came to here to mention that the latest firmware versions for Wii U have a kernel exploit public now. Also, there’s the latest Homebrew Launcher and the boot rate for the exploit hasn’t failed for me this week since the upgrade to the newest Race-Attack free exploit, which makes entering the HBL a breeze and consistent!

With that said, if a developer from the RA team is interested in porting the Wii version or making a new RA for the Wii U… Now is the PERFECT time to do so!

I personally recommend using an SD card with the latest HBL RC3 and using for testing. I’d gladly help out with the setup for the Wii U if help is needed. :)[/QUOTE]

I can attest to this, the new PPC kernel exploit is incredibly stable :smiley: