Is there a way to disable slowdown emulation?

Winkawaks, a neo geo emulator has this thing where you can overclock so that it won’t have any slowdown whree the original console would have. Is there a way to do something like that for snes games, prefferably in Retroarch? Just wondering.

Not in SNES, no. There’s an option to overclock the Super FX chip, but that’s it.

In ZSNES standalone there’s a command option called “Percentage of instructions to execute”. Enable it with the command argument “-p #” where # is a number between 50 and 150. The default is 100, setting it to 150 gets rid of slowdown, conversely setting it to 50 makes it slowdown heaps. Unfortunately ZSNES is a pretty terrible emulator.

Aw, sucks that there’s only such an option in ZSNES, because ZSNES is terrible indeed , haha.