Issue with UI scaling when using Retroarch in portrait mode

As you may or may not know, the XMB menu scales differently, depending on whether when you launched it the device was oriented as landscape or portrait. This would actually be a great thing, if it weren’t for the fact that it only seems to scale based on the horizontal dimension of the screen.

The result is as follows: if you launch Retroarch in landscape, then the UI will have the proper dimension (even if you afterwards rotate it to portrait the size is just fine); instead if you launch it in portrait the UI will be too tiny, and if you then rotate the device to landscape it will look too tiny as well. Do let me know if this makes sense to you, if it doesn’t I’ll upload a screenshot tomorrow.

What I’m asking is: would it make sense to have Retroarch scale the XMB not always depending on the horizontal size of the screen, but rather on the bigger one between horizontal and vertical size? I’d rather ask before requesting it on Github, so as not to waste the devs’ time.

Ok, here are some pics.

Here’s what happens if I launch Retroarch in landscape mode:

As you can see, it’s perfect. If I now rotate the phone without closing Retroarch:

… that is, it keeps the scaling of landscape mode, which as you can see is just fine on portrait.

Let me now launch Retroarch from portrait:

It’s tiny! Half of the screen is left unused! If I rotate the phone (again, without closing Retroarch) it’s even worse:

If it doesn’t look bad on your PC, trust me that on a 5’ device it look downright comical.

That seems like a reasonable request to me.

This issue also bugs me on my phone. I dont use my phone enough but for those who do it is frustrating.